أمينة التونسية تتعرى من جديد أمام متحف اللوفر/ فيديو / صورة

أمينة التونسية تتعرى من جديد أمام متحف اللوفر/ فيديو / صورة

- ‎فيفي الواجهة


عادت التونسية أمينة لخلع ملابسها من جديد أمام متحف اللوفر بباري، وذلك بمناسبة اليوم العالمي للمرأة.

وظهرت أمينة عارية تماما رفقة عدد من زميلاتها وهن يصرخن مطالبات بالحرية والمساواة.

وظهرت أمينة عارية وتحمل علم بلادها تونس



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  1. the Respected Reader,
    (I write this letter to you to prove my opinion of religion with you from the Bible and accurate history and I urge you to share your religious opinion with me. My mind is open for any religious or historical opinions without any hesitation. The Christians, like the muslims, have a mission to separate their religions from each other This is the most peaceful way to understand each other, and this is the mission of all the prophets and their righteous followers. We muslims follow Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) who once said that one who bothers the Themee (christians and jews) has bothered him. We muslims also have been waiting for the messiah (Jesus) to settle the differences between the Jews, Christians, and Muslims. We believe we are living in a time near his return.)
    The United States of America–one of the greatest countries built by the greatest founders that established a great system of law from the greatest teachers including the greatest of teachers–Muhammad. This country exalted his name by including his image in 1935 A.D. in one of the greatest places–the Supreme Court. The greatest kings of his time glorified and followed him. For example, the Christian King of Abyssinia(Ashama the son of alhur), the Jewish king of Yemen (Bathan and his son who later became the king as well) , and all the Christian Arab kings followed him regardless of him not being of royalty and only by his letters in the year 626 A.D. These letters were not imposed by force nor by threat. These kings followed and believed him because of the proof of their Holy Scriptures (Torah and Gospel), and they did not lose their position..

    An example of these instances was with the Coptic King of Egypt(Geroge the son of Matthew). He exalted Muhammad (peace be upon him) by offering him the best of what he had–the daughter of a priest (Maria) to become a servant/slave for Muhammad, but rather, Muhammad glorified this gift and honored the king by marrying Maria instead of making her a slave. This story circulates back to the greatest grandfather–Abraham (peace be upon him). In reference to Gen 20:6-8, the king of Egypt(Abimelech), to satisfy Abraham and Sarah and please God, he offered Abraham the princess, Hajar, to become his slave. Similarly, Abraham glorified his gift and had her become his wife as mentioned in Gen 16: 3.

    Because Abraham migrated from Ur (Iraq)Gen15:7. to the Palestinian wilderness(Kadesh), he owned nothing but his own tent.They now call the area of Kadesh with the name Negev. He bought a well for seven sheep and that location in the wild became named Beir Saba’ (Seven sheep)Gen21:29-34,22:9,26:33-34. All his children, including Isaac and Jacob, lived in this location without ever owning anything, except the tent and the well. The children of Jacob (Israel) all moved to Egypt because of good living according to Gen 46. There, the later generations of the children of Israel lived as slaves from Phaoroh’s rule as says in Gen15: 13-17. When they lived in Palestine, they did not own any of it. When they lived in Egypt, they did not own any of it. When they lived by the Euphrates, they did not own any of it, as well. Also in history records, they became slaves after the destruction of the kingdom of Israel from the Babylonian army.
    Only through Abraham (peace be upon him), all nations will be blessed Gen 12:2-3 and 18:18-19. Muhammad (Shiloh) in Gen 49:10 was the first and only to unite the ten tribes between the Euphrates and the Nile in Gen 15: 18-21. And all of the relatives of Abraham (maternal and paternal and direct offspring) are all recognized today as Muslims which include these ten tribes and the six children of Keturah, the third wife of Abraham (peace be upon him) as mentioned in Gen 25: 1-4. And the ten lost Israeli tribes, Habakook 3: 7, are now situated in present day Afghanistan (Taliban), and the children of Esau who was the brother of Jacob mentioned in Gen 27: 1, have become muslims. The followers of Muhammad(the son of Ismael who was the first son of Abraham) have been blessed from, Allah (God) and Muhammed fulfills the promise/prophecy for Ismael in Gen 17: 20 and Matthew 7: 20. Today the followers count from 1.5 billion from various nations, tribes, colors, and races from all over the world including America.The golden time of the relationship between Jews and Muslims was during Islamic Spain(Andalusia), according to the Jewish. This situation also occurred with the Christians.They both lived for centuries in the Muslim countries, where they never lost any of their rights, lived in harmony, and were never forced to convert to Islam.
    The children of Levi migrated to the Arabian Peninsula awaiting a prophet from Arabia as mentioned in Isaiah 21: 13-17 which would be the only unlettered prophet as stated in Isaiah 29: 11-12 with his name being Mahmad as in Hagai 2: 6-9. They were waiting for the prophet that would establish the Kingdom of God as in Daniel 2: 44, and with him will be ten thousand saints to open Makkah in 630 A.D. as in Det 33:2 and this prophet will be coming from Makkah (Baca) as mentioned in Psalms 84:1-7. They were looking for the prophet who would establish a pure society that had never been established before as in Isaiah 42: 1-21. He was the only one that was offered the highest of gifts, royalty, wealth, and other various worldly temptations, and yet, he rejected them all. He did not differ from the prophets before him, he was also a shepherd and easily rejected worldly temptations and died peacefully and poor, leaving behind his teachings and the Quran. For anyone that would like to learn more about him, the resources are endless and available considering he was one of the greatest teachers in the world.
    Thank you for your time.
    AND ANY ONE NEED INFORMATION PLEASE READ THE BOOKS:”A Deadling Misunderstanding:A Congressman’s Quest to Bridge the Muslim-Christian Divide” By former Congressman Mark Siljander8:35 PM 10/21/2012 and”The Prophet Muhammad the Last Messanger in the Bible” by Kais Al-Kalby AMUSLIMMI@YAHOO.COM TEL: 734-369-8100

    نص الرسالة المترجمة التى أرسلها قيس الكلبى لأعضاء الكونجرس الأمريكى والكنائس والمؤسسات الثقافية بأمريكا بعنوان (أعظم معلم)
    ولعل هذه الرسالة ذات أثر كبير على كل من يقرأها,حيث إنها بينت على وقائع تاريخية ثابتة وتدعمها النصوص التوراتية المهمة وهى دون الطعن بأى جهة سياسية أو دينية سابقة أو لاحقة ودون أن تهدف إلى خدمة أى جهة كانت ومضمون الرسالة بين(( على أن أمريكا هى دولة عظيمة فى هذا العصر, وإن سر عظمتها يكمن فى عظمة مؤسسيها الأوائل ( جورج واشنطن الرئيس الأول وتوماس جيفرسون الرئيس الثالث والمفكر العظيم بينجامين فرانكلين ) اللذين أسسوا قانونا فذا ودستورا عظيما استقوا مضمونه من أعظم معلم عرفته البشرية وهو محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم ، ولذلك فقد عظموه وكرموه وأقاموا له تمثالا وضعوه فى مقدمة أعظم مؤسسة فى البلاد وهى المحكمة الدستورية العليا. وكان محمد الرجل العظيم محل تعظيم من جميع ملوك عصره وعظماؤه ودخل معظمهم فى الإسلام من خلال رسائله اليهم، ومن هؤلاء العظماء اللذين أسلموا ملك الحبشة النصرانى وملك اليمن اليهودى، وكذلك جميع ملوك العرب النصارى ، كما ذكر في حاجاي 2(6-9) ولم يكن محمد ملكا مع ان قومه عرضوا عليه الملك لقاء تخليه عن دعوته لوحدانية الخالق ( الله) فانى ذلك ، ولم تكن رسائله تحمل تهديدا او استخدام القوه او ان يسلب ملكهم، وانما كان اسلامهم عن قناعة مما عرفوا من الحق الذي يتفق مواصفاته المذكورة والموجودة بين ايديهم وبحيازتهم من التوراة والانجيل،وقد وصل تعظيمهم لمحمد ان احد اعظم قساوسة المقوقس ملك مصر والمسمى( جورج بن متى) ارسل ابنتيه العزيزات عليه ان تكونا جاريتين لمحمد ارضاء لله وتكريما لنبيه، ولكن محمدا صلى الله عليه وسلم رد المعروف بمعروف افضل مما توقعوه بان اكرم ابنتي القسيس والملك واتخذ لنفسه ( ماريه) وجعلها زوجة له.

    ولقد سبق ان لابراهيم العظيم وهو الجد لمحمد موقف شبيه بذلك ، وذلك حينما اراد ملك مصر ان يؤثر ابراهيم عليه السلام باعظم تكريم حيث قدم هاجر له ابنة احد امرائه المفضلة عنده لتكون جارية لابراهيم، كما في سفر التكوين 20(6-8)ولكن ابراهيم رد معروفهم بان اتخذها زوجة له كما ذكر في سفر التكوين 16(3) ، وقد كان الملك يرمي من وراء ذلك القربى الى الله وتكريم ابراهيم وسارة ، وقد صارت هاجر جدة لاعظم معلم في تاريخ البشرية وهو محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم.

    وقد هاجر ابراهيم من مدينة اور (ا لعراق) سفر التكوين 15(7) الى صحراء فلسطين وهي تسمى قادش والمسماة حاليا صحراء النقب، ولم يملك شيئا سوى خيامه ويعيش في ارض الغير وهم الكنعانين ، ولذلك لحاجته للماء فاشترى البئر بسبع نعاج وسمي المكان فيما بعد ( بئر سبع) كما معلوم في سفر التكوين 21(29-34) و 22(9) و26(33-34) وقد استقرت ذريته من بعده في هذا المكان الصحراوي وهم اسحق وابنه يعقوب واحفاده، وحيث لم يكونوا يملكون الا البئر والخيام، وحينما ضاقت بهم الحياة هاجروا وكانت مقاصد هجرتهم هجرة ابدية الى مصر ليعيشوا عيشا رغيدا وعلى عز زمن يوسف عليه السلام ، ولم ياخذوا معهم شيئا الا خيامهم وتركوا البئر لاولاد اسماعيل وهم شركائهم فيه ولم يبقى في بئر سبع اي منهم كما ذكر في سفر التكوين 46، ولكنهم بمرور الزمن اصبحوا عبيدا في ارض النيل كما جاء في سفر التكوين 15(13-17) مثلما صاروا عبيدا بعد ذلك في ارض الفرات حيث لم يملكوا شبرا من هذه الاراضي المذكورة وبحسب سفر التوراة في سفر التكوين 12( 2-3)و18(18-19) فان جميع امم وشعوب الارض تنال البركة من ابراهيم ، ولم يتم ذلك الا على يد الرجل العظيم وهو محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وهو ( شيلوه) المقصود في سفر التكوين 49(10) وهو الاول والوحيد الذي وحد القبائل العشرة المنتشرة بين الفرات والنيل والمذكورة في سفر التكوين 15(18-21).

    وكل من يمت بصلة القرابة لابراهيم سواء من جهة امه او ابيه تباركوا من خلال تعاليمه باسلامهم . بما في ذلك ابناءه الستة من زوجته الثالثة والمسماة في التوراة ( قطورة) في سفر التكوين 25(1-4) ، واما القبائل الاسرائيلية المفقودة والتي يبحث عنها بنوا اسرائيل على مدار قرون عديدة فقد وجدت انها هي ذاتها قبائل البشتون ( الطالبان) التي تستقر الان في افغانستان وباكستان ، وقد عرفوا هذه الحقيقة بعد ان نشرتها في كتابي المسمى( النبي محمد خاتم الرسل في التوراة والانجيل) وقد استخلصت ذلك من خلال سفر حبقوق في الفقرة (7) .ان عدد اتباع هذا النبي والمعلم العظيم محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم يناهز اليوم مليارا ونصف وهم من شعوب وقبائل شتى وذوو الوان واعراق ولغات مختلفة. وقد كان اعظم عصر لليهود والذي يمكن وصفه بالعصر الذهبي كما يقولون هو تلك الفترة التي عاشوها في الاندلس بعزة وكرامة.

    اما ابناء( لافي) وهو الابن الثالث لسيدنا يعقوب فقد هاجروا الى الجزيرة العربية بانتظار مبعث نبي من بلاد العرب كما في سفر اشعيا 21( 13-17) وتكونت منها ثلاث بطون( قريضة والنضير وقينقاع) وهو النبي الامي الوحيد المذكور في سفر اشعيا والمبعوث من امة امية لاتقرا ولاتكتب وليس لديها كتاب يدرس وعدد الذين يكتبون ويقراون في كل اهل مكة لايتجاوزون الاصابع كما ذكر في سفر اشعيا 29(11-12) واشعيا28(11) وقد ورد اسمه في سفر حاجاي2(6-9) والاسم المذكور ( محماد) وانه سيقيم دولة تقيم شريعة الله المنزلة منه والدولة الربانية المذكورة بديلا من كل الدول الموجودة التي لم ترضي الله والمذكورة في سفر دانيال2(44) وهو الذي يفتح مكة المكرمة وبصحبته عشرة الاف من افضل الناس الذي ذكرتهم التوراة ( بالقديسين) وكان ذلك في سنة 630 م كما هو المذكور في سفر التثنية 33(2) وهو الذي ياتي من مكة كما ورد في المزمور 84( 1-7) وهي ( بكة) وتعني بتفسيرا التوراة وهو البلسم الذي لايوجد الا في مكة وهو النبي المنتظر لكل الشعوب والذي اقام مجتمعا نقيا خالصا والذي حقق ثمرات كما هم مذكورين في اشعيا 42(1-21)والثمرات المذكورة من اولاد اسماعيا كما هو مذكور في سفر التكوين 17(20) او التي ذكرها المسيح في الانجيل وقال من ثمارهم تعرفونهم.

    ولم يكن محمدا ملكا كغيره من الملوك بل كان قبل النبوة راعيا للغنم كغيره من الانبياء الذين سبقوه، وعندما توفي لم يترك خلفه درهما ولادينارا، ولكنه اغنى الامة الاسلامية وغيرها من الامم بميراث عظيم وهو كتاب الله الذي انزل الله والمحفوظ في الصدور وفي الكتب وتعاليمه العظيمة التي حققت منافع لتابعيه ولمن جاورهم من الامم والذي ينتظره الشعوب والامم كما في سفر اشعيا 51(4-5) فاذا كانت رسائل محمد لعظماء وملوك عصره قد جعلتهم يدخلون في الاسلام، فلعل رسالتي هذه تشرح صدوركم للاسلام لاتباع اعظم معلم عرفته البشرية
    اشكركم على قرائتكم رسالتي : ومن اراد المزيد للتعرف على هذا الرجل العظيم فليقرأ كتاب( سوء الفهم القاتل) الى عضو الكونغرس الجمهوري السابق مارك ديلي سلنجر وكتاب ( النبي محمد خاتم الرسل في التوراة والانجيل) لقيس الكلبي والسلام Kais al kalby
    TEL: 001-734-369-8100 EMIL: AMUSLIMMI@YAHOO.Coom

    In Allah’s Name, the Merciful, the Gracious
    How We Know Allah (God) Exists

    There was a teacher that asked his students, “Do you
    see the blackboard?” They replied, “Yes.”
    “Then the blackboard exists.” Then he asked, “Do you see the moon?” They again replied, “Yes, we see it.” “Then, the moon
    exists.” Finally he asked, “Do you see God?” They replied “No.” He said, “Then
    God does not exist.” Then one of the students asked the others, “Do you see the brain of the teacher?” They answered, “No” leading the student to reply, “Then he has no brain.”

    Allah (swt) gave us a brain to use and not to treat our brains as a god. This teacher, made his brain as a god rather than one that is supposed to use his brain to know Allah.
    What was the purpose of our creation?
    Allah (swt) did not create us without a purpose. He created everything with a purpose. Why do we have a nose? In order to breathe. Why do we have eyes? In order to see. Allah (The Creator) also created planets to serve animals, created animals to serve humans, and created humans to worship Him. So, how do we worship Him? By following His direction. How will we know His direction? He chose among us the best ones qualified to carry His message, called a Prophet or Messenger. Allah did not create us without guidance.

    For example, if one has a child, that person loves the child and needs guidance and wants them to follow in their footsteps to success. Allah
    is better than this example. He does not want us to get lost because He loves and guides us.
    He sent the prophets to humanity time after time because people repeatedly killed the prophets and/or messengers or rejected them. Therefore, Allah did not leave us without guidance. Everything needs guidance. If one has a son, he needs to guide him. If one has a husband or wife, they need to guide them. You also need somebody to guide you on how to live and organize your life. Alas, as humans, we need guidance from Allah.

    Honestly, now I will address this speech in front of you and why you came here.

    The first to understand is why God brought you to Saudi Arabia. Many of you are from Philippines, India, and other countries. You came for the sake of getting some benefits or
    advantages through your work.
    The people in Saudi Arabia, or Emirate, or Kuwait, they brought you to provide some services through your work.
    You need to communicate with each other to understand each other, to compromise, to live in harmony and peace. This cannot be happening unless each one understands the other by opening his\her mind and heart. In order for a married couple to live together longer, they have to open their minds and hearts for each other. Once they know and understand each other, it will result in peace. When they understand each other, even if they differ, they know how to handle it.

    In reality, you want the people in this society (Muslim society) to be at peace with you. They have to deal with you
    rightfully or in a good manner, and they give you your right. Then how can they give you your right or be good if they do not understand you and you do not understand them? Then how you will understand these people? You have to know their culture, their
    language or the
    mentality of these people. Then I will tell and help you how. This society has been affected by religion. You tend find them in the mosques; in the masjids everywhere. You see how the women and men dress, parts of their culture, and mentality always come affected from their religion. Then you have to understand their religion.

    This religion is called Islam. Then when you know their religion you will know how to deal with them. You will be happy and at peace. Islam means peace–peace with Allah (The Creator), peace with yourself, and peace with everybody. If you ask Jesus what is your religion, he will say, “Peace–peace with God, peace with myself, and peace with everybody.” Nobody would be at war with Allah, war with himself, war with everybody. This is Islam. Islam also wants the others to be at
    peace, like they are at peace.

    Then, you are probably curious to know why Muslims do not believe Jesus is God, not the son of God, and did not die on the cross. You may also be curious about Muhammad (pbuh), the final messenger and Prophet. If we discuss these things, we have to discuss it from the Bible, not from the Qur’an, because you already do not believe in the Qur’an and also because we, the Muslims, and you, the Christians or Jews, believe in the Bible. Then we can discuss something we all agree about and we can explain what the Bible contains.

    Why Do We Not Believe Jesus is God?
    For anyone to understand the Bible, they have to know 4 things: the language of the Bible, the geography of the Bible, the history, and all the historical events of the Arab region in order to know Islam and the history of Muslims and where it is mentioned in the Bible.

    If Muhammad was a false prophet or a truthful prophet and would have more than half a billion
    followers and would make big
    changes in the region and history, it would doubtful that Jesus, peace be
    upon him, would leave to heaven (whether he is God, son of God, or just Messenger) without a mention of Muhammad. He did not leave his followers without a will for their future. If he is God or son of God, he would have not forgotten to mentioned Muhammad (of a warning or a commandment to follow). Nobody would leave his home without to giving will to their wife or relative about what they should do once he left.

    Because the Bible would mention the smallest of prophecies, then it would mention a big prophecy–Muhammad.

    If everybody believes that John the Baptist, Zachariah, Jacob, Moses, and Noah are all prophets and there was no
    proof of their prophethood nor followers, why not
    accept Muhammad as a prophet? What is wrong with that? There are already 1.5 billion followers of Muhammad (only 300 million of them Arabs out of 1.5 billion). This is to understand that this religion is not for the Arabs. It is for all nations.

    Now, I have two copies of King James Bible, one has been published in 1971 and the
    other one published in 1982. I will ask you, this is King James and this is King James, which one is the right copy? You will find on the first page, the first chapter, the first verse, there is difference. If somebody has socks and shoes, there is difference between socks and shoes. Which one is the word of God? If I chose God said socks, and the other chose God said shoes, then it would confuse us. God would not intend to confuse us. God gave the revelation to everybody the same.

    An example is, in this King James in 1971, he said in Genesis 1, verse 2. Definitely, Genesis 1, verse 2 mentions the “spirit”. Stating that spirit, “And the Earth was without form
    and void. And darkness was upon the face of that day. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the water”. This was in 1971, but in another print in Genesis 1 verse 1, he said in the beginning, “when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless land and darkness covered the apes while a mighty wind swept over the waters.” Now you see he said “spirit” in’71 but in ’82 he said “wind”.

    Now I ask you which one is the word of God? You see it has been changed. There is no right word.

    Then how will they deny that Muhammad did not have his name, history
    or influence mentioned in the Bible. In the beginning, the two copies already did not agree about one thing. But I want to make it easy for everybody
    to understand it logically that the earth contains mud, water, and air. The original Bible in Hebrew language translates to “wind” which is “riyah” and not “spirit” which is

    This is the first chapter. When I went asking any Christian, rabbi, or priest, anywhere in the world I asked them a question, from the chapter 25 from Genesis, and they could not answer it. If from more than 3,000 years ago until now, religious leaders of have not read what is in the Chapter 25 of Genesis, then how would they know if Muhammad has not been mentioned in the rest of the book? The answer is already inside chapter 25 of Genesis.

    What is the question? The question is,
    “How many wives did Ibrahim, or Abraham, have?”
    I asked all of them and they told me, “He had a legal wife, her name was Sarah.” Then I said, “How many children did she have? And what are their names?” They replied, “One, named
    I then asked, “How many sons did Abraham have?” and they replied, “Two, Isaac and Ishmael.”
    So, I asked, “Where did Ishmael come from? Adultery? Is adultery allowed to Abraham and
    not allowed to you?”
    They were embarrassed and said, “No, we call his mother a ‘concubine’.”
    I said “Concubine? Abraham was never involved in a war. Hagar was a concubine?” They responded, “No, we call her a handmade.” I said, “If we call Isaac the son of Abraham then, we should also call Ishmael the son of Abraham as well, regardless of who mother is.”
    They said, “We call him son of Hagar.”
    (In regards to Christians I said, “If you call him Son of Hagar and not son of Abraham, In this case we can call
    Ishmael Son of God, because you consider Mary, she had a son, Jesus, without a father. And is referred to as the only Son of God.)
    I said, “ If any Muslim were to carry the Quran and not read it, he would be like a donkey, only carrying it. The same thing would be for Jews and Christians if they were to only hold the Bible and not read it. How are you teaching millions that she is not Abraham’s wife when the Torah/Bible calls her a “wife”? That means you are against God and the truth from your books. This is the same thing done about Muhammad in the Bible.” They asked, “Where is it?” and I told them, “ In Genesis 16.(3)”

    Let’s read what is said in Genesis 16.(3) “Thus,
    Abraham, Sarah request Abraham and lived 10 years in the land of Canaan, his wife Sarah took her maid Hagar, the Egyptian, and give
    her to her husband Abraham to be his wife.” To be what? His “wife.”

    After I showed them the verse, I asked them again, “How many wives did Abraham have?”
    They answered, “ Now we agree with you, two.” I then asked them, “Right now you agree with me after more than 3,000 years? It takes an agreement for you to say that Hajar was his wife?”
    They remained silent and I asked my question again, “How many wives did Abraham have?”
    They said, “Okay, the picture is clear. There were two.” I said, “No, three.”
    They said, “Where is it?” I said, “In the Bible, Genesis 25. Read.”

    They found the
    verse: “1 Abraham took another wife, whose name was Keturah. 2 She bore him Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak and Shuah”

    I asked them, “What happened to the six children?” and they said, “We do not know.” And I said, “ For more than 3,000 years until now, they have become millions, where do they live? Who are they? They are the Muslims, they are the Arabs.”

    Notice how in the beginning they did not know how many wives Abraham had.
    Then how will deny for that the rest of the book did not mention Muhammad?

    Is Jesus God or not God?

    From where did the idea come that Jesus is God? This idea was not accepted in the creed for the Jewish, that God would come down as a person or nor a person can be God. But this was not forbidden for the Romans to believe. The Jews wanted to protect themselves from with the followers of Jesus because they were responsible for his crucifixion and came with
    an idea of “Jesus is
    God” and that he
    sacrificed himself for people’s sins so that they would be held accountable for the crucifixion. People invented the idea of Jesus being God.

    We read in the New Testament, Acts chapter 14 verse 11 and 15: “ When the crowd saw what Paul had done, they shouted in the Lycaonian language, ‘The gods have come down to us in human form!’” Here, the people call Paul and Barnabas and their mission, Gods. They come in the likeness of men. But Paul and Barnabas responded in verse 15: “ Men, why are you doing this? We too are only men, human like you. We are bringing you good news, telling you to turn from these worthless things to the living God, who made heaven and earth and sea and everything in them.”
    The people of the time and region could easily believe that anyone that does something miraculous
    or has
    power (like Pharaoh) can be considered a god. These verses show how they even considered Paul and Barnabas to be gods even though they said, “We are human.” Because Jesus performed big and small miracles, the people easily said and believed that he was God. The same thing could have happened with Paul and Barnabas. People split in 3 groups arguing about who was God. Paul? Barnabas? Or Jesus? But in reality, they were all wrong. The same thing will happen in the future about the Ant-Christ where he will claim to be God and deceive people with his false miracles and people will follow him, but he is not the Creator, God.

    Now, I show you also in Exodus, chapter 7 verse 1 says “And the Lord said unto Moses, see I have made thee a god to pharaoh, and Aaron thy brother shall be a Prophet.”
    God tells
    Moses that the power God has given Moses is far greater than
    the power Pharaoh has. Since Pharaoh considered himself a God, then Moses would be a God over Pharaoh in terms of power. (This is a description from God to Moses, only. No Jew, Christian, or Muslim would believe that he is God.) This is the same case for Jesus. Both of their powers were strong and given by God.

    There were two cases from the time where people would get the title of “God”:
    1) The power and authority would lead them to have the title of “king” or “God” (which would have only been given to them by God)
    2) People would be amazed and convinced by the miracles performed (like Jesus and Moses) and elevate them to call them “God”
    and worship them. (Similar situations with Hindus and Buddhists).

    What about the Son of God?

    When we read in Exodus chapter 4, verse 22
    it says “And thou shall say unto Pharaoh, thus said the Lord, Israel is my son, even my first born.” You understand Jesus the first born, and Israel the first born. And in Psalm chapter 2, verse 7, it says “I will decree, the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my son. This day have I begotten thee.” Now David he is the first son, Jesus is
    the first son, and also Israel is the first son. Now if I chose David, another chooses Jesus, now all of us, we are wrong. But what does son means? This means that a person is very close to God.

    How to understand Jesus never died on the cross and he is just a messenger of God.
    When you read in John 17, verse 1-4, it states “ These words speak Jesus and he lifted up his eyes to
    heaven and said, “Father, the hour is come, glorify thy son that thy son may also glorify thee.” Second he said, “As though he has given him power over all flesh that he should give eternal life to at mainly as shows that given him. And that life eternal that they might know the only true God.” Meaning that he was teaching that there is only one true God and Jesus Christ was sent through Him.

    “I have glorified thee
    on the earth, I have finished the work.” He finished what? The work. No more about crucifixion. “Which thou given me to do.” No more to do. Meaning he finished his job. This shows that he was not on the cross and that he is a messenger.

    Then who was on the cross? Somebody will ask, “Who was on the cross? How we will know, who is on the cross then?” I said, “Judas, Judas when he tried to tell the people where Jesus was, God changed his face his voice to be like Jesus’ and he put him on the cross. When he put him on the cross he said, “Why you forsake me?” If he was Jesus he would have said, “Thank you God, I finished my duty. I am on the cross now, I am ready to go to
    you.” But he is not Jesus, humiliating him.

    Then, how can you tell this is not
    Jesus and this is Judas? Let’s see in Psalm
    what it says.
    In Psalm chapter 34, verse 15, it says, “The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous and the ears are unto their cry.” Now if Judas, he is Jesus, and he cries “Why forsake me?” Judas’ cry was not answered because he was not a follower of Jesus’ teachings of the Oneness of God.

    Then in verse 20 it says, “He kept all his bones, not one of them is broken.” And everybody knows if one would put another on the cross, they put in nails and his bones
    would be broken. But in Proverbs, what does it say to make it clearer that it is Judas and not Jesus? When you read in Chapter 21 in Proverbs, verse 18, it says, “The wicked shall remain as ransom for the righteous and the transgressor for the upright.” Then why do Christians say Jesus is righteous instead of the wicked? In reality the Bible said, that the wicked be punished
    instead of the righteous.
    In Proverbs 26 verse 27 says, “If a man digs a pit, he will fall into it; if a man rolls a stone, it will roll back on him.”
    In this case, it shows how Judas was digging a pit for Jesus and he fell into it. Then this is very clear, Jesus is not God, not
    the son of God, and Jesus has never been on the cross and I’ve shown you how Jesus was no on the but the wicked instead.

    The best and accepted witness to know Jesus, was John the Baptist (his cousin).

    When John the Baptist would baptize people, he never said, “People, listen! There is my lord, Jesus, he will come and baptize me, and we have to worship him!” He never said that. Also, he never said “People listen, this is Jesus, the cross, the messiah, the
    Son of God. He will be our savior, I quit, no more baptizing, no more repentance because he will take care of that job. He will be on the cross, let’s worship him.” He never even said, “He is the
    prophet, we have to follow him.”

    Also, when John the Baptist was in prison he sent two disciples to check who Jesus was although he was already his relative. They asked Jesus, “Who are you? Are you Elias? Are you the prophet? Such a prophet has not come yet. Are you the Messiah?”Luke7(19-20). John did not recognize Jesus as a prophet. If he could not think of Jesus as a prophet, he would not have thought him as God, Son of God, or Messiah at all. You will also notice that John the Baptist never quit baptizing and even baptized Jesus. Jesus, as described in the Gospels, washed the feet of his disciples. He never requested his disciples to baptize anyone;

    neither did his disciples baptize anyone.

    And you will never find that John the Baptist requested his followers to follow Jesus and yet Christians do not consider those people “wrong” even though they did not believe and follow Jesus. If Christians will accept non-believers of Jesus then they should be accepting to Muslims—people that actually believe and follow Jesus anyhow.
    Now, you find John the Baptist himself and his people, did not follow Jesus although John represented all the prophets from before. He and his followers
    never followed Jesus and yet they were good, righteous, even then they did not follow Jesus because they were taught to follow who was coming after Jesus.
    John the Baptist himself said, “I am not eligible, I am not qualified to tie the shoes of the one who comes after me.”John1(26-27).
    “After me”
    not “with me, Jesus.” Everybody knows that Jesus was barefoot. Then, who is this prophet that comes with shoes and has not come yet? And John also said, “I baptize you with water but who comes after me is stronger than me and he will baptize you with Holy Spirit and the fire.” Jesus was not involved in the fire and Holy Spirit. Jesus was never involved with
    either because it refers to the revelation to Muhammad, peace be upon him.
    Also, followers of John the Baptist, you find them that they have converted to Islam time after time. Even my teacher, Hamid Al Laiby in 1960, he converted to Islam because he is follower of John the Baptist and many of them use the name/word Hamid, Mahmud, and Ahmad because it is close to the name of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

    According to what we studied from the Bible, John did not recognize Jesus as God, Son of God,
    nor a Prophet. (Muslims believe that John believed that Jesus was a prophet.) Because John the Baptist was representing the prophets before him (Abraham, Moses), then he would believe that Jesus was a Prophet and that Muhammad would soon follow.

    Jesus: Son of Whom?

    This is very clear that if somebody were to ask, “What should we call Jesus? The son of whom? He has a mother but no
    father.” I said, “Okay then, in this case, what should we call Adam? Son of whom if he has no father and mother?”
    Allah created Adam from dust without a mother or father and created Eve (woman) from the rib of Adam.
    Both of them were created without a mother or father and no one calls them God. The children of Adam and Eve would be children of Adam and Even, not children of Allah. Or we can accept everyone to be the children of Allah and
    then Jesus would be at no difference from any of us. Now somebody will ask, then what is the wisdom behind Jesus being born without a father? God created Jesus without father, for what reason?

    You know that the Jewish, they killed the prophets time after time (ex. Zachariah, John the Baptsist, etc.) God asked them, “Why do you do that?” They said, “We are confused.” Every time He sent a big sign,
    they would not believe Him then later He switched the prophet hood to Ishmael’s children.
    God said, “I will send for you the
    last prophet, the last messenger, from you, among you with four big signs.”
    So, He sent Jesus. How did He send Jesus? Where is that big sign? Allah elected the best woman of that time on the earth, Mary. He, God Himself, raised her to make it clear to everyone that she is the best one. How? He mother use to take care of the temple and when she delivered her, Zachariah took care of her and never left the temple. She was always busy worshipping. Everyone knows she received sustenance while she was in the temple. Then everyone knows that at 16 years of age, she did not do any wrongdoing. So, Allah made a big sign, because she was good, from this good woman, she would deliver a boy, Jesus, without father.
    But if any lady came to a group of people and
    said, “I delivered this boy, he has no father, and he is the son of God.” Nobody would accept that. Even if she said,
    “This is a miracle from God, that I delivered a boy.” Still, no one would accept that and they would say she that made adultery. But in order to make the big sign clear for Mary that she delivered a son without a husband and everybody knows that Jesus is a prophet, Allah made Jesus talk in the cradle.
    When he would talk in the cradle in defense of his mother, this would keep the people quiet. This miracle kept the people quiet and accepted Mary. When he spoke in the cradle, he mentioned two things: that he was a prophet and messenger and that there is no book on earth, throughout
    history that says Jesus spoke in the cradle except the Qur’an. To understand, the Qur’an is always talking about reality, the truth, and what is missing from every book in the past. Surat 19
    (Maryam) Verses 28-32

    There were two main Jewish sects during Jesus’ time, Pharisees and Sadducees. Jesus’ family was from Pharisees. Because the Sadducees did not believe in Jesus because he was from Pharisees, then they would never accept him. On top of Jesus being from Pharisees, because the Pharisees rabbis did not accept Jesus, that gave the Sadducees more of a reason to not believe him. The third big sign was the series of miracles regarding Jesus. Because these
    leaders were angry and jealous, Allah showed them other sign/miracles; such as healing the blind, deaf, mute, and lepers and raise the dead but he could do those miracles because he was blessed by the Authority of Allah. Then, they tried to finish with him and crucify him, but Allah did not them humiliate him but rather raised him to heaven and replaced Jesus with Judas. But, Allah will bring Jesus back, and
    the fourth sign is that he will come back to Damascus in Umayyad Mosque and will come with two angels and will follow Prophet Muahmmad (peace be upon him) to clarify all the wrong with the Christian and Jewish.
    This is how to understand why Jesus came without a father. Now, I think that it is clear to you that Jesus is not God, not son of God, was not crucified, that he represents all of the prophets and
    that John the Baptist was clear about Jesus. This is everything clear about Jesus.

    Now We will try to understand who Muhammad is, and If He is in the Bible or Not.

    In Genesis 17 verse 20 it says, “And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee, behold…”
    Before I read
    this, if somebody wants to tell us, what has Jesus said about Muhammad? Did he say anything about Muhammad?
    Of course, you read in Matthew chapter 7 verse 15 says, “Be aware of anyone who wears sheep clothing but he is a wolf inside.” And verse 20, “Thus by their fruit you will recognize them.” The rabbis asked Jesus, to make sure if he
    is the last prophet or not, “How
    will we know the difference between the false and the true prophets?” and he responded with Matthew chapter 7 verses 15-20 and “From their fruits.” Jesus did not respond, “Why do you ask this? I am the last one!” Then where is the fruit about Muhammad?

    Do not that forget in Matthew chapter 21 verse 43, it says, “Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit.”

    When “you” is used in the verse, it is referred to people of the region and
    how the kingdom will be somewhere else. Then where is the fruits of Muhammad, peace be upon him? The verse is talking about the kingdom which was given to Prophet Muhammad who is a descendant of Ishmael (son of Abraham) and the fruits that will come from this nation are the teachings of Allah, Islam, through Muhammad.

    There has been no great person, no Prophet on the earth like Muhammad, peace upon him.

    He made a pure society. For twenty-three years, he had thirty thousand disciples around him. There was no prophet, or great person, that had thirty thousand disciples. And he taught these thirty thousands disciples for twenty-three years. If I taught you
    for twenty-three years, you would become equal to my knowledge. There were
    only three acts of adultery, one theft, and three divorces recorded. The number can be counted on my fingers and it a familiar record for those who have studied the history of Islam.

    Nobody can tell me that this is support is from devil and not from Allah. Besides, Allah had them live in a pure environment, the desert, and this gives them no attraction to the Babylonian, Assyrian, and Roman to rule them. And they also were unlettered, they did not read or write. This did not give them any chance to be affected or afraid of the Babylonian, Greek, Roman, Assyrian or any civilization or any religion. They just concentrated on what was revealed to Muhammad, peace be upon him. They started reading and writing after the revelation of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. And also, Allah picked the pure people
    because they had nothing else, only religion. They only
    worshipped idols that did not impact their minds and their hearts. Once one would break the idols, it would not affect them. Therefore, they had a cleaner foundation to build on for religion. The Makkahn people
    had great characteristics (such as honor, loyalty and honesty) but had weaker habits/manners (drinking, fornication, stealing) and once Muhammad (pbuh) taught them to not participate in these actions, the people adopted not doing these actions to be part of their character. And Allah let them be pure to be good teachers and preachers to other nations. That is the fruit of Muhammad, peace be upon him.

    When we read in Genesis 17 verse 20, like I said earlier, it says, “For Ishmael, I have heard thee, behold, I have blessed him and will make him fruitful and will multiply him
    extensively and twelve princes he shall beget (this is the princes of
    Saudi Arabia) and I will make him a great nation.” Four things: fruitful, blessed, great nation, and twelve princes. This is the fruit from Muhammad, peace be upon him.
    A great nation–that is the nation of Islam. Everywhere in the world, you would also find it blessed from Allah, glory and praise belong to Him.

    In Genesis 21:21 it says, “And he dwelt in the wilderness of Paran and his mother took for him a wife from the land of Egypt.” This is Ishmael live in the wilderness of Paran. Paran means Makkah. This means
    anyone who claims he is a prophet from Paran, he will be of the children from Ishmael. Who? Ishmael.

    Then let’s see Deuteronomy about Muhammad, peace be upon, said in chapter 33 verse 2 he
    said, “And he said, The LORD came from Sinai, and rose up from Seir unto them; he shined forth from mount Paran, and he came with ten thousands of saints: from his right hand went a fiery law for them.” (some copies of the Bible use the word “myriad” for “10,000” and the word “myriad” is from the Greek origin “murioi” meaning 10,000).
    Everybody knows, Moses spoke with Allah in Sinai, and Jesus was born in Palestine. Then who is this prophet from Paran with 10,000 saints? Already we said, anyone that claims prophethood from Paran will be from children of Ishmael. And the only one who has been declared prophet
    from the children of Ishmael is Muhammad, peace be upon him. This event said 10,000 saints and when Muhammad, peace be upon him, opened Makkah, with him were 10,000 companions exactly. Not one more and none less. Everybody knows with Moses, he selected the best of his council of only
    seventy men and with Jesus only eleven men. Then who is this prophet from Paran with 10,000 saints? Only Muhammad, peace be upon him.

    When you read in Isaiah 21 verse 13 to 17 he is talking about the Battle of Badr, and do the verses say?
    Verse 13: “The burden upon Arabia. In the forest in Arabia shall ye lodge, O ye caravans of Dedanites.” Now we do not need to describe everything, but the Pope John 2 before he died, he said in this translation, “God sent Messenger to Arabia.”
    After I
    wrote my book, called Prophet Muhammad: The Last Messenger in the Bible and they change this verse in the Bible now to “God sent Messenger against Arabia.” And finally in King James, “the burden upon
    Arabia.” I asked, “Who is this prophet from Arabia?” It doesn’t matter, against Arabia, from Arabia, to
    Arabia. If they said he has not come yet, then they are still waiting for the last prophet. If we already know that it is he, they cannot deny it.

    In Isaiah 28, it says, “For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to these people.” There is no prophet brought from China, from Japan, from anywhere to talk to Israel except Muhammad, peace be upon him. Now, after I wrote my book, they changed it to “ for with stammering lips and another tongue he will talk to his nation.” Why would he talk to his nation? Jesus was already from
    their nation and they did not accept him. Then why would he come from them and speak another language to let them to follow him? It doesn’t work.

    The Only Unlettered Prophet
    Allah sent down the Quran to the only unlettered prophet to clarify what has been hidden in the Bible. Now, in Isaiah, chapter 29 verse 11 and 12, he said, “And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that in are sealed which mean deliver to one that is
    learned saying read this I pray thee, and he said I cannot for its been sealed.” To understand verse 11, it means the book, the Qur’an, came to all the prophets in a vision and they each have speak different languages, or most prophet they have one language and
    one book. It states that this book was also brought to other prophets in a vision as words of Allah in a book, but they could not read it. And the angel asked all of them “Read” and all of them said, “I cannot read it, it has been sealed.” For
    example, if I have ten guys and there are eleven envelops and on each envelope, I wrote each of their names.
    Each person took his envelope but one envelope was left because this guy was absent, not with them and when this last guy comes I give him his envelope. Then, they said the book has been sealed, and I say sealed for two reasons: first, for the last prophet and second because of Arabic language.

    But the verse 12 said, “And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, read this I pray thee, and he said, I am not learned.” There has only been one that has received this book and did not
    read or write in history. Only one prophet on the earth and that is Muhammad, peace be upon him. He is the only one to come from unlettered people to unlettered people. Then only Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
    There has been only one occasion in August, 610 AD when Prophet Muhammad in the Mount of Hira
    in Makkah, the angel Gabriel came to him and said, “Read”, and he replied “I am not learned” and the angel said “Read”, he said, “I am not learned”, he said, “Read”, “I am not learned.” And if we know the Bible is fulfilled and any word is supposed to be fulfilled then this verse is fulfilled to whom? Only Muhammad. Only one prophet been asked this question and replied in this way in 610 AD in the cave of Hira, and that is Prophet Muhammad.
    Now to ask the Christian, “Was Jesus is the last prophet?” they said ‘Yes”, “Did he read or write?” they said,
    “Yes”, “When he was the age of 12, he was teaching the rabbis”. Then, this verse is not fit for him.
    Now, to ask the Jewish, “Have you had a Prophet that didn’t read or write?”, they said “No, because you have to read or write to be a rabbi.” So, who is this prophet that
    did not read or write? They have been waiting for the Prophet who cannot read or write. Who is this? It is Muhammad, peace be upon him.

    But somebody might ask, “Why did Muhammad not need to read or write?” When I teach you, you will be affected by me. So, who was the teacher of Muhammad? Only God Himself, to let his people who are also illiterate
    only concentrate on the Quran and that you find not even one word missing from the Quran. And I told you that the priests and rabbis did not know the chapters in Genesis, but you will find millions of people
    and children memorizing the entire Quran not missing a single word. You can find in the Quran, believer or not believer, that not a letter has been changed. Understand that this is the fruit and this is the sign of the last prophet. Also understand that Muslims do not believe Muhammad is God or son of God, but only that he is a messenger of God.

    Also if you read Isaiah chapter 51 verse 4 “ Hearken unto me, my people; and give ear unto me, O my
    nation: for a law shall proceed from me, and I will make my judgment to rest for a light of the people.” Because the Jewish already have the Torah and their own law, this is showing that a new law will be coming for all of the nations.

    Now, somebody asked me how Muhammad had been named as a prophet in the Bible. Of course, I already showed you in Genesis 1:1 that “soul”
    and “spirit” had been changed and they keep changing the word. Then, also the name of Muhammad has been mentioned in the Bible a lot but has been changed. Where is it? In Haggai chapter 2 verse 7, what it says is, “And I will shake all nations and the desire of all nations
    shall come and I will fill this house with the glory said the Lord of hosts. The silver is Mine and the gold is Mine, said the Lord of Hosts. The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the LORD of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the LORD of hosts.” Who will shake the nations? Prophet Muhammad shook the nations through his letters. He sent a letter to be Muslim for them and their nations. He sent letters to Caesar, a letter to Kisra, the Persian King, and to Najashe of Abyssinia who converted. He shook the nations,the King of Bahrain,Yemen and Ethiopia and all the other Kings in
    the region fllowed Prophet Muhammad during his life. And Jesus he never shook the nations and he did not send any letter to any ruler. Also, he said the former house instead of the first. That was when Muslims were glorified twice: the first time when a man tried to destroy the Ka’bah in Makkah and the
    second is when the Muslims turned their prayer direction from Jerusalem to Makkah. According to the verse, the peace would not be in Jerusalem, not in Rome, but the peace will only be in Makkah. Also, the name Muhammad is shown here, but they change it to “choicest” or “desire” and in Hebrew it says “Mahmad”.

    The Influence of Islam on the Structure and Law of the United States
    Now I tell you something else: America, in our
    time is up for comparison to all the generations as to being a superpower. And you will find that even in this country, America, when it was built, there were four main men. George Washington, he lead the American Independence, Benjamin Franklin, was a philosopher and a thinker (and you
    will find his picture in the 100 dollar bill). And he said a good statement against Islam but a bad one against Jewish.
    The third one was Thomas Jefferson, he was lawyer and also was part of writing the Constitution and the law. When constructing the constitution and the law, they brought nine sources from all the centuries of the earth and the most he found and used was from Islam. Then
    he went to his Bible and he removed anything against the oneness of God. And he read 3 points: first there is only 1 god, no other God and no partner for him. Second, he said each person, he is responsible for his sins. Third,
    he said there is paradise and hell-fire. His followers, they call themselves the Unitarian and they still exist and there is Bible also called Jefferson Bible beside the other Bibles. The government of the United States decided to conserve these nine sources.
    Because the nine sources were people, they made statue images of them and they are now placed on the Supreme Court of the United States and one of them is the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. The engraver that made this was a Jewish man named Otto, in 1935. But because no Muslims had problems with the law to attend the Supreme Court, it wasn’t until 1997 they discovered it. Because I am also a laywer, I asked them
    to remove the statue and put two pages from the Qur’an in place of it. You can find underneath this statue it reads, “Philosopher, Peaceful, Justice, Powerful”. This is the attitude of Islam if America is always buying the best and
    bringing the best and they took the best, the law from Islam. And America already controls everywhere on the Earth. Then the influence of Islam is everywhere in
    the Earth. How can you deny Islam if you have already been involved and know Islam?

    You would accept it if the Kings accept it. The British King Rex Offa in 775 AD accepted Islam and wrote in his coins on Arabic, “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his Messenger.” The British they put these coins in the museum but they said, ”He loved Arabic” and I said, “Well if he loves the Arabic, he could say Jesus God or Son of God.”
    I show you pictures of the Jewish, their prayer is exactly like the prayer of Moses, like the
    prayer of Jesus and John the Baptist, and the rest of the prophets, which is exactly, like the Muslim prayer. Then why don’t we accept the truth? Islam
    is not for a race, not for language, not for Arabs but to be for all other nations and just for peace with God, peace with everybody.
    It is commonly known that any recognized person in the world, in any nation, the when people make them great also makes them God or close to God, everyone except Muslims. Any Muslim, even corrupt Muslims, have never mentioned Muhammad is God or similar to God. This is to understand that God preserved this religion and keeps it to be good teaching forever. Good that keeps Muhammad as just a messenger and prophet. Now, I will give you a key, I tell you people that if you accepted Muhammad and Islam then you get twice the reward and
    God will forgive your sins and you will also go to Paradise. You do not need to reject it for any reason.

    For more details on the subject of Prophet Muhammad to be the last messenger in the Bible, here is
    a list of references from the Bible.
    Old Testament
    1) Paran-Makkah Gen 21:21, Ishmael (pbuh) lived in wilderness of Paran. He was the ancestor of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
    2) Ishmael’s (pbuh) children are always to be princes in the Arab region Gen 17:20, God blessed Ishmael (pbuh) with 12 sons (princes) and God made great Muslim nation from his seed. Through the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) that reaches from the Euphrates to the Nile forever.
    3) Muhammad’s original promised land: from the Euphrates to the Nile Gen 15:18-21, there existed ten nations between these rivers, that united in 638 A.D. under Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) which to fulfill this promise in the scripture to be as one language, Arabic, one culture, and one religion, Islam.
    4) The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is a direct descendant of Prince Kedar Gen 25:13-18
    5) Shiloh (the Prophet Muhammad), the Last Messenger for all nations Gen 49:10, and Jacob spoke of Shiloh in Gen 15: 18-21. Shiloh is untranslated meaning “messenger of God”
    6) Dan-Judge or Ruler is an Arabic and Hebrew word. This Dan was like any ruler of Israeli tribes and could not have been Israeli in Gen 49: 16 and Ezekiel 21:27
    7) Muhammed (pbuh) was like Moses in recieving God’s (Allah’s) law Deut 18:18-19, All of the prophets were among Israel’s children and they were not like Moses (pbuh) (Deut 34:10), but the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was similar to Moses (pbuh). In Isaiah 51:4, it is said that there will be a new law for all the people.
    8) The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) opens Paran (Makkah) with 10,000 saints 630 A.D. Deut 33:2, God first spoke to Moses (pbuh) at Sinai. Jesus (pbuh) was born in precisely this area, called Seir, where Bethlehern was.
    9) The holy one from Paran (Makkah) Habukkuk 3:3, God (God’s prophet, Jesus (pbuh)) came from Teman (the area known as Teman is southeast of Palestine); and the Holy One (the greatest Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) from Mountain Paran (Makkah.)
    10) “Baca” from the work “cry” and present day Makkah or “weeping valley” Psalm 84: 1-7
    11) Inspiration from Arabia & the Battle of Badr 624 A.D. Isaiah 21:13-17, in the text the word “burden” describes responsibility.
    12) Muhammad (pbuh) speaks to the Children of Israel in the Arabic Language Isaiah 28:11-16, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was the only prophet from outside the Children of Israel who spoken to them.
    13) Muhammad (pbuh): the only unlettered prophet Isaiah 29:11-18, in a vision, God brought to all the literate prophets (pbut) the book-Qur’an-and asked them to read it. They answered they could not read it because it was sealed to them for two good reasons. First, it was in Arabic, and second they determined that they were not the last prophet. In verse 12, when the Holy Qur’an was revealed to Muhammad (pbuh) in actuality whith the command by the Angel Gabriel (pbuh),”Read it.” Muhammad (pbuh) replied,”I am not learned.” in 610 A.D.
    14) The law of God (Qur’an) through Muhammad (pbuh) for the Gentiles Isaiah 42:1-21
    15) God, the One and Only Savior Isaiah 43:9-10
    16) Makkah: source of light for all people Isaiah 60:1-12
    17) Muslims open Constantinople (1453 A.D.) Psalm 120
    18) Hebrew describes the last prophet for all the nations (Mahmad) Haggai 2:7-9 14) Islamic state, the kingdom of God Daniel 2:42 and Matthew 21:43
    19) The Kingdom of God (Islam) versus the Roman Empire and other realms 1453 A.D. Daniel 7:24-28 and Matthew 21: 43 and Daniel 2:44
    20) Omar (Muslims) open Palestine riding a donkey 638 A.D. Zachariah 9:9-10, Daniel 7: 1-28, Daniel 2:44, and Matthew 21:43
    21) God’s angel Gabriel, Prophet Muhammad and the fate of the Levites 627 A.D. in Malachi 3:1-14
    22) Prophet Muhammad is baptized with the Holy Spirit in Matthew 3: 7-11 and John 19:21
    23) Prophet Muhammad, the prince of this world in John 14: 16, 26, 30
    Prophet Isa (Jesus):
    1) The governor of Jerusalem washed his hands because Jesus (pbuh) is not the King that will lead a revolution against the Roman Empire. Only Prophet Muhammad finished the Romans out of the Middle East Matthew 27:24-25
    2) Verse 2, The Kingdom of Heaven was the Islamic State established by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), which expelled the Romans from Jerusalem. Verses 7-8; John describes the Israelis as Vipers. Verse 9-10; God will raise those in Makkah who worship idols (stones) but will accept Islam through Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) (the axe) that will finish the evils from each tribe (trees). Verse 11; Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) wearing shoes (sandals) that will be tied, will baptize the people with the Holy Ghost (Angel Gabriel (pbuh) revealed the Holy Qur’an) and fire (the battles that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) fought against those who tried to destroy Islam.) Matthew 3:1-12
    3) Jesus (pbuh) did not judge anyone. Those who follow Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) will gather unto him (wheat into the garner), and those who do not follow him (the chaff) will be doomed to hell St. Luke 12:14 The followers of John (pbuh) moved to Syria, Iran, and Southern Iraq. They lived close to rivers to baptize themselves. John’s followers never became Christians. They became Muslims with the coming of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh.)
    4) Psalm 110:1, God (The Lord Yahweh) is talking about the master (Lord Aloheem) who is Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), not Jesus (pbuh.)
    5) Jesus (pbuh) states that he is not the Aloheem. Jesus (pbuh) says that He is the son of David (pbuh), how could then, Jesus be the Lord of David (pbuh)? Mark 12:35-37
    6) The followers of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) carried with them the fruits of Islam to the rest of the nations in the world Matthew 21:28-46
    7) The fruit, which all Muslims surrender to the will of God enjoy, is the more wholesome lifestyle on this Earth and the promise of paradise after this life Matthew 7:15-20
    8) The Levites wanted to know if John (pbuh) was that prophet. If not, they wanted information from John (pbuh) about this prophet. John (pbuh) denied being the Messiah (pbuh), neither did he insist that they should follow Jesus (pbuh). John 1:19-27
    9) Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the Prince of the World John 14:15-31, the (Greek) word that is translated to mean comforter is “paraclete.” This word is translated from the Hebrew words “farcat and lete.” These Hebrew words are best translated to mean “the praised one.” This Hebrew word is similiar in meaning to the Greek and Arabic nouns; Hamad which means giving more praises continuously. The word has exactly the same meaning in Greek as in Arabic (Ahmad) “the most praised one.” This is similiar to the word Muhammad which means one who was praised in the past, and will be praised forever. In verse 16, Jesus (pbuh) tells the people that he will pray to thank God and show his appreciation to God for sending this comforter (prophet.) This next prophet will be the last one to all the nations and he will be with you forever. In verse 30, Jesus (pbuh) is saying that he does not have to explain much of God’s law to the people because the next prophet,”the Prince of the World” (Muhammad (pbuh)) will teach you everything.
    10) Prophet Jesus (pbuh) says,”He must leave because the comforter (raised one-Ahmad (pbuh)) will not come into you,” until Jesus (pbuh) leaves John 16:5-14, this comforter is a real person, not a Holy Spirit, a symbol, not an untoucha

  2. the Respected Reader,
    (I write this letter to you to prove my opinion of religion with you from the Bible and accurate history and I urge you to share your religious opinion with me. My mind is open for any religious or historical opinions without any hesitation. The Christians, like the muslims, have a mission to separate their religions from each other This is the most peaceful way to understand each other, and this is the mission of all the prophets and their righteous followers. We muslims follow Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) who once said that one who bothers the Themee (christians and jews) has bothered him. We muslims also have been waiting for the messiah (Jesus) to settle the differences between the Jews, Christians, and Muslims. We believe we are living in a time near his return.)
    The United States of America–one of the greatest countries built by the greatest founders that established a great system of law from the greatest teachers including the greatest of teachers–Muhammad. This country exalted his name by including his image in 1935 A.D. in one of the greatest places–the Supreme Court. The greatest kings of his time glorified and followed him. For example, the Christian King of Abyssinia(Ashama the son of alhur), the Jewish king of Yemen (Bathan and his son who later became the king as well) , and all the Christian Arab kings followed him regardless of him not being of royalty and only by his letters in the year 626 A.D. These letters were not imposed by force nor by threat. These kings followed and believed him because of the proof of their Holy Scriptures (Torah and Gospel), and they did not lose their position..

    An example of these instances was with the Coptic King of Egypt(Geroge the son of Matthew). He exalted Muhammad (peace be upon him) by offering him the best of what he had–the daughter of a priest (Maria) to become a servant/slave for Muhammad, but rather, Muhammad glorified this gift and honored the king by marrying Maria instead of making her a slave. This story circulates back to the greatest grandfather–Abraham (peace be upon him). In reference to Gen 20:6-8, the king of Egypt(Abimelech), to satisfy Abraham and Sarah and please God, he offered Abraham the princess, Hajar, to become his slave. Similarly, Abraham glorified his gift and had her become his wife as mentioned in Gen 16: 3.

    Because Abraham migrated from Ur (Iraq)Gen15:7. to the Palestinian wilderness(Kadesh), he owned nothing but his own tent.They now call the area of Kadesh with the name Negev. He bought a well for seven sheep and that location in the wild became named Beir Saba’ (Seven sheep)Gen21:29-34,22:9,26:33-34. All his children, including Isaac and Jacob, lived in this location without ever owning anything, except the tent and the well. The children of Jacob (Israel) all moved to Egypt because of good living according to Gen 46. There, the later generations of the children of Israel lived as slaves from Phaoroh’s rule as says in Gen15: 13-17. When they lived in Palestine, they did not own any of it. When they lived in Egypt, they did not own any of it. When they lived by the Euphrates, they did not own any of it, as well. Also in history records, they became slaves after the destruction of the kingdom of Israel from the Babylonian army.
    Only through Abraham (peace be upon him), all nations will be blessed Gen 12:2-3 and 18:18-19. Muhammad (Shiloh) in Gen 49:10 was the first and only to unite the ten tribes between the Euphrates and the Nile in Gen 15: 18-21. And all of the relatives of Abraham (maternal and paternal and direct offspring) are all recognized today as Muslims which include these ten tribes and the six children of Keturah, the third wife of Abraham (peace be upon him) as mentioned in Gen 25: 1-4. And the ten lost Israeli tribes, Habakook 3: 7, are now situated in present day Afghanistan (Taliban), and the children of Esau who was the brother of Jacob mentioned in Gen 27: 1, have become muslims. The followers of Muhammad(the son of Ismael who was the first son of Abraham) have been blessed from, Allah (God) and Muhammed fulfills the promise/prophecy for Ismael in Gen 17: 20 and Matthew 7: 20. Today the followers count from 1.5 billion from various nations, tribes, colors, and races from all over the world including America.The golden time of the relationship between Jews and Muslims was during Islamic Spain(Andalusia), according to the Jewish. This situation also occurred with the Christians.They both lived for centuries in the Muslim countries, where they never lost any of their rights, lived in harmony, and were never forced to convert to Islam.
    The children of Levi migrated to the Arabian Peninsula awaiting a prophet from Arabia as mentioned in Isaiah 21: 13-17 which would be the only unlettered prophet as stated in Isaiah 29: 11-12 with his name being Mahmad as in Hagai 2: 6-9. They were waiting for the prophet that would establish the Kingdom of God as in Daniel 2: 44, and with him will be ten thousand saints to open Makkah in 630 A.D. as in Det 33:2 and this prophet will be coming from Makkah (Baca) as mentioned in Psalms 84:1-7. They were looking for the prophet who would establish a pure society that had never been established before as in Isaiah 42: 1-21. He was the only one that was offered the highest of gifts, royalty, wealth, and other various worldly temptations, and yet, he rejected them all. He did not differ from the prophets before him, he was also a shepherd and easily rejected worldly temptations and died peacefully and poor, leaving behind his teachings and the Quran. For anyone that would like to learn more about him, the resources are endless and available considering he was one of the greatest teachers in the world.
    Thank you for your time.
    AND ANY ONE NEED INFORMATION PLEASE READ THE BOOKS:”A Deadling Misunderstanding:A Congressman’s Quest to Bridge the Muslim-Christian Divide” By former Congressman Mark Siljander8:35 PM 10/21/2012 and”The Prophet Muhammad the Last Messanger in the Bible” by Kais Al-Kalby AMUSLIMMI@YAHOO.COM TEL: 734-369-8100

    نص الرسالة المترجمة التى أرسلها قيس الكلبى لأعضاء الكونجرس الأمريكى والكنائس والمؤسسات الثقافية بأمريكا بعنوان (أعظم معلم)
    ولعل هذه الرسالة ذات أثر كبير على كل من يقرأها,حيث إنها بينت على وقائع تاريخية ثابتة وتدعمها النصوص التوراتية المهمة وهى دون الطعن بأى جهة سياسية أو دينية سابقة أو لاحقة ودون أن تهدف إلى خدمة أى جهة كانت ومضمون الرسالة بين(( على أن أمريكا هى دولة عظيمة فى هذا العصر, وإن سر عظمتها يكمن فى عظمة مؤسسيها الأوائل ( جورج واشنطن الرئيس الأول وتوماس جيفرسون الرئيس الثالث والمفكر العظيم بينجامين فرانكلين ) اللذين أسسوا قانونا فذا ودستورا عظيما استقوا مضمونه من أعظم معلم عرفته البشرية وهو محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم ، ولذلك فقد عظموه وكرموه وأقاموا له تمثالا وضعوه فى مقدمة أعظم مؤسسة فى البلاد وهى المحكمة الدستورية العليا. وكان محمد الرجل العظيم محل تعظيم من جميع ملوك عصره وعظماؤه ودخل معظمهم فى الإسلام من خلال رسائله اليهم، ومن هؤلاء العظماء اللذين أسلموا ملك الحبشة النصرانى وملك اليمن اليهودى، وكذلك جميع ملوك العرب النصارى ، كما ذكر في حاجاي 2(6-9) ولم يكن محمد ملكا مع ان قومه عرضوا عليه الملك لقاء تخليه عن دعوته لوحدانية الخالق ( الله) فانى ذلك ، ولم تكن رسائله تحمل تهديدا او استخدام القوه او ان يسلب ملكهم، وانما كان اسلامهم عن قناعة مما عرفوا من الحق الذي يتفق مواصفاته المذكورة والموجودة بين ايديهم وبحيازتهم من التوراة والانجيل،وقد وصل تعظيمهم لمحمد ان احد اعظم قساوسة المقوقس ملك مصر والمسمى( جورج بن متى) ارسل ابنتيه العزيزات عليه ان تكونا جاريتين لمحمد ارضاء لله وتكريما لنبيه، ولكن محمدا صلى الله عليه وسلم رد المعروف بمعروف افضل مما توقعوه بان اكرم ابنتي القسيس والملك واتخذ لنفسه ( ماريه) وجعلها زوجة له.

    ولقد سبق ان لابراهيم العظيم وهو الجد لمحمد موقف شبيه بذلك ، وذلك حينما اراد ملك مصر ان يؤثر ابراهيم عليه السلام باعظم تكريم حيث قدم هاجر له ابنة احد امرائه المفضلة عنده لتكون جارية لابراهيم، كما في سفر التكوين 20(6-8)ولكن ابراهيم رد معروفهم بان اتخذها زوجة له كما ذكر في سفر التكوين 16(3) ، وقد كان الملك يرمي من وراء ذلك القربى الى الله وتكريم ابراهيم وسارة ، وقد صارت هاجر جدة لاعظم معلم في تاريخ البشرية وهو محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم.

    وقد هاجر ابراهيم من مدينة اور (ا لعراق) سفر التكوين 15(7) الى صحراء فلسطين وهي تسمى قادش والمسماة حاليا صحراء النقب، ولم يملك شيئا سوى خيامه ويعيش في ارض الغير وهم الكنعانين ، ولذلك لحاجته للماء فاشترى البئر بسبع نعاج وسمي المكان فيما بعد ( بئر سبع) كما معلوم في سفر التكوين 21(29-34) و 22(9) و26(33-34) وقد استقرت ذريته من بعده في هذا المكان الصحراوي وهم اسحق وابنه يعقوب واحفاده، وحيث لم يكونوا يملكون الا البئر والخيام، وحينما ضاقت بهم الحياة هاجروا وكانت مقاصد هجرتهم هجرة ابدية الى مصر ليعيشوا عيشا رغيدا وعلى عز زمن يوسف عليه السلام ، ولم ياخذوا معهم شيئا الا خيامهم وتركوا البئر لاولاد اسماعيل وهم شركائهم فيه ولم يبقى في بئر سبع اي منهم كما ذكر في سفر التكوين 46، ولكنهم بمرور الزمن اصبحوا عبيدا في ارض النيل كما جاء في سفر التكوين 15(13-17) مثلما صاروا عبيدا بعد ذلك في ارض الفرات حيث لم يملكوا شبرا من هذه الاراضي المذكورة وبحسب سفر التوراة في سفر التكوين 12( 2-3)و18(18-19) فان جميع امم وشعوب الارض تنال البركة من ابراهيم ، ولم يتم ذلك الا على يد الرجل العظيم وهو محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وهو ( شيلوه) المقصود في سفر التكوين 49(10) وهو الاول والوحيد الذي وحد القبائل العشرة المنتشرة بين الفرات والنيل والمذكورة في سفر التكوين 15(18-21).

    وكل من يمت بصلة القرابة لابراهيم سواء من جهة امه او ابيه تباركوا من خلال تعاليمه باسلامهم . بما في ذلك ابناءه الستة من زوجته الثالثة والمسماة في التوراة ( قطورة) في سفر التكوين 25(1-4) ، واما القبائل الاسرائيلية المفقودة والتي يبحث عنها بنوا اسرائيل على مدار قرون عديدة فقد وجدت انها هي ذاتها قبائل البشتون ( الطالبان) التي تستقر الان في افغانستان وباكستان ، وقد عرفوا هذه الحقيقة بعد ان نشرتها في كتابي المسمى( النبي محمد خاتم الرسل في التوراة والانجيل) وقد استخلصت ذلك من خلال سفر حبقوق في الفقرة (7) .ان عدد اتباع هذا النبي والمعلم العظيم محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم يناهز اليوم مليارا ونصف وهم من شعوب وقبائل شتى وذوو الوان واعراق ولغات مختلفة. وقد كان اعظم عصر لليهود والذي يمكن وصفه بالعصر الذهبي كما يقولون هو تلك الفترة التي عاشوها في الاندلس بعزة وكرامة.

    اما ابناء( لافي) وهو الابن الثالث لسيدنا يعقوب فقد هاجروا الى الجزيرة العربية بانتظار مبعث نبي من بلاد العرب كما في سفر اشعيا 21( 13-17) وتكونت منها ثلاث بطون( قريضة والنضير وقينقاع) وهو النبي الامي الوحيد المذكور في سفر اشعيا والمبعوث من امة امية لاتقرا ولاتكتب وليس لديها كتاب يدرس وعدد الذين يكتبون ويقراون في كل اهل مكة لايتجاوزون الاصابع كما ذكر في سفر اشعيا 29(11-12) واشعيا28(11) وقد ورد اسمه في سفر حاجاي2(6-9) والاسم المذكور ( محماد) وانه سيقيم دولة تقيم شريعة الله المنزلة منه والدولة الربانية المذكورة بديلا من كل الدول الموجودة التي لم ترضي الله والمذكورة في سفر دانيال2(44) وهو الذي يفتح مكة المكرمة وبصحبته عشرة الاف من افضل الناس الذي ذكرتهم التوراة ( بالقديسين) وكان ذلك في سنة 630 م كما هو المذكور في سفر التثنية 33(2) وهو الذي ياتي من مكة كما ورد في المزمور 84( 1-7) وهي ( بكة) وتعني بتفسيرا التوراة وهو البلسم الذي لايوجد الا في مكة وهو النبي المنتظر لكل الشعوب والذي اقام مجتمعا نقيا خالصا والذي حقق ثمرات كما هم مذكورين في اشعيا 42(1-21)والثمرات المذكورة من اولاد اسماعيا كما هو مذكور في سفر التكوين 17(20) او التي ذكرها المسيح في الانجيل وقال من ثمارهم تعرفونهم.

    ولم يكن محمدا ملكا كغيره من الملوك بل كان قبل النبوة راعيا للغنم كغيره من الانبياء الذين سبقوه، وعندما توفي لم يترك خلفه درهما ولادينارا، ولكنه اغنى الامة الاسلامية وغيرها من الامم بميراث عظيم وهو كتاب الله الذي انزل الله والمحفوظ في الصدور وفي الكتب وتعاليمه العظيمة التي حققت منافع لتابعيه ولمن جاورهم من الامم والذي ينتظره الشعوب والامم كما في سفر اشعيا 51(4-5) فاذا كانت رسائل محمد لعظماء وملوك عصره قد جعلتهم يدخلون في الاسلام، فلعل رسالتي هذه تشرح صدوركم للاسلام لاتباع اعظم معلم عرفته البشرية
    اشكركم على قرائتكم رسالتي : ومن اراد المزيد للتعرف على هذا الرجل العظيم فليقرأ كتاب( سوء الفهم القاتل) الى عضو الكونغرس الجمهوري السابق مارك ديلي سلنجر وكتاب ( النبي محمد خاتم الرسل في التوراة والانجيل) لقيس الكلبي والسلام Kais al kalby
    TEL: 001-734-369-8100 EMIL: AMUSLIMMI@YAHOO.Coom

    In Allah’s Name, the Merciful, the Gracious
    How We Know Allah (God) Exists

    There was a teacher that asked his students, “Do you
    see the blackboard?” They replied, “Yes.”
    “Then the blackboard exists.” Then he asked, “Do you see the moon?” They again replied, “Yes, we see it.” “Then, the moon
    exists.” Finally he asked, “Do you see God?” They replied “No.” He said, “Then
    God does not exist.” Then one of the students asked the others, “Do you see the brain of the teacher?” They answered, “No” leading the student to reply, “Then he has no brain.”

    Allah (swt) gave us a brain to use and not to treat our brains as a god. This teacher, made his brain as a god rather than one that is supposed to use his brain to know Allah.
    What was the purpose of our creation?
    Allah (swt) did not create us without a purpose. He created everything with a purpose. Why do we have a nose? In order to breathe. Why do we have eyes? In order to see. Allah (The Creator) also created planets to serve animals, created animals to serve humans, and created humans to worship Him. So, how do we worship Him? By following His direction. How will we know His direction? He chose among us the best ones qualified to carry His message, called a Prophet or Messenger. Allah did not create us without guidance.

    For example, if one has a child, that person loves the child and needs guidance and wants them to follow in their footsteps to success. Allah
    is better than this example. He does not want us to get lost because He loves and guides us.
    He sent the prophets to humanity time after time because people repeatedly killed the prophets and/or messengers or rejected them. Therefore, Allah did not leave us without guidance. Everything needs guidance. If one has a son, he needs to guide him. If one has a husband or wife, they need to guide them. You also need somebody to guide you on how to live and organize your life. Alas, as humans, we need guidance from Allah.

    Honestly, now I will address this speech in front of you and why you came here.

    The first to understand is why God brought you to Saudi Arabia. Many of you are from Philippines, India, and other countries. You came for the sake of getting some benefits or
    advantages through your work.
    The people in Saudi Arabia, or Emirate, or Kuwait, they brought you to provide some services through your work.
    You need to communicate with each other to understand each other, to compromise, to live in harmony and peace. This cannot be happening unless each one understands the other by opening his\her mind and heart. In order for a married couple to live together longer, they have to open their minds and hearts for each other. Once they know and understand each other, it will result in peace. When they understand each other, even if they differ, they know how to handle it.

    In reality, you want the people in this society (Muslim society) to be at peace with you. They have to deal with you
    rightfully or in a good manner, and they give you your right. Then how can they give you your right or be good if they do not understand you and you do not understand them? Then how you will understand these people? You have to know their culture, their
    language or the
    mentality of these people. Then I will tell and help you how. This society has been affected by religion. You tend find them in the mosques; in the masjids everywhere. You see how the women and men dress, parts of their culture, and mentality always come affected from their religion. Then you have to understand their religion.

    This religion is called Islam. Then when you know their religion you will know how to deal with them. You will be happy and at peace. Islam means peace–peace with Allah (The Creator), peace with yourself, and peace with everybody. If you ask Jesus what is your religion, he will say, “Peace–peace with God, peace with myself, and peace with everybody.” Nobody would be at war with Allah, war with himself, war with everybody. This is Islam. Islam also wants the others to be at
    peace, like they are at peace.

    Then, you are probably curious to know why Muslims do not believe Jesus is God, not the son of God, and did not die on the cross. You may also be curious about Muhammad (pbuh), the final messenger and Prophet. If we discuss these things, we have to discuss it from the Bible, not from the Qur’an, because you already do not believe in the Qur’an and also because we, the Muslims, and you, the Christians or Jews, believe in the Bible. Then we can discuss something we all agree about and we can explain what the Bible contains.

    Why Do We Not Believe Jesus is God?
    For anyone to understand the Bible, they have to know 4 things: the language of the Bible, the geography of the Bible, the history, and all the historical events of the Arab region in order to know Islam and the history of Muslims and where it is mentioned in the Bible.

    If Muhammad was a false prophet or a truthful prophet and would have more than half a billion
    followers and would make big
    changes in the region and history, it would doubtful that Jesus, peace be
    upon him, would leave to heaven (whether he is God, son of God, or just Messenger) without a mention of Muhammad. He did not leave his followers without a will for their future. If he is God or son of God, he would have not forgotten to mentioned Muhammad (of a warning or a commandment to follow). Nobody would leave his home without to giving will to their wife or relative about what they should do once he left.

    Because the Bible would mention the smallest of prophecies, then it would mention a big prophecy–Muhammad.

    If everybody believes that John the Baptist, Zachariah, Jacob, Moses, and Noah are all prophets and there was no
    proof of their prophethood nor followers, why not
    accept Muhammad as a prophet? What is wrong with that? There are already 1.5 billion followers of Muhammad (only 300 million of them Arabs out of 1.5 billion). This is to understand that this religion is not for the Arabs. It is for all nations.

    Now, I have two copies of King James Bible, one has been published in 1971 and the
    other one published in 1982. I will ask you, this is King James and this is King James, which one is the right copy? You will find on the first page, the first chapter, the first verse, there is difference. If somebody has socks and shoes, there is difference between socks and shoes. Which one is the word of God? If I chose God said socks, and the other chose God said shoes, then it would confuse us. God would not intend to confuse us. God gave the revelation to everybody the same.

    An example is, in this King James in 1971, he said in Genesis 1, verse 2. Definitely, Genesis 1, verse 2 mentions the “spirit”. Stating that spirit, “And the Earth was without form
    and void. And darkness was upon the face of that day. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the water”. This was in 1971, but in another print in Genesis 1 verse 1, he said in the beginning, “when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless land and darkness covered the apes while a mighty wind swept over the waters.” Now you see he said “spirit” in’71 but in ’82 he said “wind”.

    Now I ask you which one is the word of God? You see it has been changed. There is no right word.

    Then how will they deny that Muhammad did not have his name, history
    or influence mentioned in the Bible. In the beginning, the two copies already did not agree about one thing. But I want to make it easy for everybody
    to understand it logically that the earth contains mud, water, and air. The original Bible in Hebrew language translates to “wind” which is “riyah” and not “spirit” which is

    This is the first chapter. When I went asking any Christian, rabbi, or priest, anywhere in the world I asked them a question, from the chapter 25 from Genesis, and they could not answer it. If from more than 3,000 years ago until now, religious leaders of have not read what is in the Chapter 25 of Genesis, then how would they know if Muhammad has not been mentioned in the rest of the book? The answer is already inside chapter 25 of Genesis.

    What is the question? The question is,
    “How many wives did Ibrahim, or Abraham, have?”
    I asked all of them and they told me, “He had a legal wife, her name was Sarah.” Then I said, “How many children did she have? And what are their names?” They replied, “One, named
    I then asked, “How many sons did Abraham have?” and they replied, “Two, Isaac and Ishmael.”
    So, I asked, “Where did Ishmael come from? Adultery? Is adultery allowed to Abraham and
    not allowed to you?”
    They were embarrassed and said, “No, we call his mother a ‘concubine’.”
    I said “Concubine? Abraham was never involved in a war. Hagar was a concubine?” They responded, “No, we call her a handmade.” I said, “If we call Isaac the son of Abraham then, we should also call Ishmael the son of Abraham as well, regardless of who mother is.”
    They said, “We call him son of Hagar.”
    (In regards to Christians I said, “If you call him Son of Hagar and not son of Abraham, In this case we can call
    Ishmael Son of God, because you consider Mary, she had a son, Jesus, without a father. And is referred to as the only Son of God.)
    I said, “ If any Muslim were to carry the Quran and not read it, he would be like a donkey, only carrying it. The same thing would be for Jews and Christians if they were to only hold the Bible and not read it. How are you teaching millions that she is not Abraham’s wife when the Torah/Bible calls her a “wife”? That means you are against God and the truth from your books. This is the same thing done about Muhammad in the Bible.” They asked, “Where is it?” and I told them, “ In Genesis 16.(3)”

    Let’s read what is said in Genesis 16.(3) “Thus,
    Abraham, Sarah request Abraham and lived 10 years in the land of Canaan, his wife Sarah took her maid Hagar, the Egyptian, and give
    her to her husband Abraham to be his wife.” To be what? His “wife.”

    After I showed them the verse, I asked them again, “How many wives did Abraham have?”
    They answered, “ Now we agree with you, two.” I then asked them, “Right now you agree with me after more than 3,000 years? It takes an agreement for you to say that Hajar was his wife?”
    They remained silent and I asked my question again, “How many wives did Abraham have?”
    They said, “Okay, the picture is clear. There were two.” I said, “No, three.”
    They said, “Where is it?” I said, “In the Bible, Genesis 25. Read.”

    They found the
    verse: “1 Abraham took another wife, whose name was Keturah. 2 She bore him Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak and Shuah”

    I asked them, “What happened to the six children?” and they said, “We do not know.” And I said, “ For more than 3,000 years until now, they have become millions, where do they live? Who are they? They are the Muslims, they are the Arabs.”

    Notice how in the beginning they did not know how many wives Abraham had.
    Then how will deny for that the rest of the book did not mention Muhammad?

    Is Jesus God or not God?

    From where did the idea come that Jesus is God? This idea was not accepted in the creed for the Jewish, that God would come down as a person or nor a person can be God. But this was not forbidden for the Romans to believe. The Jews wanted to protect themselves from with the followers of Jesus because they were responsible for his crucifixion and came with
    an idea of “Jesus is
    God” and that he
    sacrificed himself for people’s sins so that they would be held accountable for the crucifixion. People invented the idea of Jesus being God.

    We read in the New Testament, Acts chapter 14 verse 11 and 15: “ When the crowd saw what Paul had done, they shouted in the Lycaonian language, ‘The gods have come down to us in human form!’” Here, the people call Paul and Barnabas and their mission, Gods. They come in the likeness of men. But Paul and Barnabas responded in verse 15: “ Men, why are you doing this? We too are only men, human like you. We are bringing you good news, telling you to turn from these worthless things to the living God, who made heaven and earth and sea and everything in them.”
    The people of the time and region could easily believe that anyone that does something miraculous
    or has
    power (like Pharaoh) can be considered a god. These verses show how they even considered Paul and Barnabas to be gods even though they said, “We are human.” Because Jesus performed big and small miracles, the people easily said and believed that he was God. The same thing could have happened with Paul and Barnabas. People split in 3 groups arguing about who was God. Paul? Barnabas? Or Jesus? But in reality, they were all wrong. The same thing will happen in the future about the Ant-Christ where he will claim to be God and deceive people with his false miracles and people will follow him, but he is not the Creator, God.

    Now, I show you also in Exodus, chapter 7 verse 1 says “And the Lord said unto Moses, see I have made thee a god to pharaoh, and Aaron thy brother shall be a Prophet.”
    God tells
    Moses that the power God has given Moses is far greater than
    the power Pharaoh has. Since Pharaoh considered himself a God, then Moses would be a God over Pharaoh in terms of power. (This is a description from God to Moses, only. No Jew, Christian, or Muslim would believe that he is God.) This is the same case for Jesus. Both of their powers were strong and given by God.

    There were two cases from the time where people would get the title of “God”:
    1) The power and authority would lead them to have the title of “king” or “God” (which would have only been given to them by God)
    2) People would be amazed and convinced by the miracles performed (like Jesus and Moses) and elevate them to call them “God”
    and worship them. (Similar situations with Hindus and Buddhists).

    What about the Son of God?

    When we read in Exodus chapter 4, verse 22
    it says “And thou shall say unto Pharaoh, thus said the Lord, Israel is my son, even my first born.” You understand Jesus the first born, and Israel the first born. And in Psalm chapter 2, verse 7, it says “I will decree, the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my son. This day have I begotten thee.” Now David he is the first son, Jesus is
    the first son, and also Israel is the first son. Now if I chose David, another chooses Jesus, now all of us, we are wrong. But what does son means? This means that a person is very close to God.

    How to understand Jesus never died on the cross and he is just a messenger of God.
    When you read in John 17, verse 1-4, it states “ These words speak Jesus and he lifted up his eyes to
    heaven and said, “Father, the hour is come, glorify thy son that thy son may also glorify thee.” Second he said, “As though he has given him power over all flesh that he should give eternal life to at mainly as shows that given him. And that life eternal that they might know the only true God.” Meaning that he was teaching that there is only one true God and Jesus Christ was sent through Him.

    “I have glorified thee
    on the earth, I have finished the work.” He finished what? The work. No more about crucifixion. “Which thou given me to do.” No more to do. Meaning he finished his job. This shows that he was not on the cross and that he is a messenger.

    Then who was on the cross? Somebody will ask, “Who was on the cross? How we will know, who is on the cross then?” I said, “Judas, Judas when he tried to tell the people where Jesus was, God changed his face his voice to be like Jesus’ and he put him on the cross. When he put him on the cross he said, “Why you forsake me?” If he was Jesus he would have said, “Thank you God, I finished my duty. I am on the cross now, I am ready to go to
    you.” But he is not Jesus, humiliating him.

    Then, how can you tell this is not
    Jesus and this is Judas? Let’s see in Psalm
    what it says.
    In Psalm chapter 34, verse 15, it says, “The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous and the ears are unto their cry.” Now if Judas, he is Jesus, and he cries “Why forsake me?” Judas’ cry was not answered because he was not a follower of Jesus’ teachings of the Oneness of God.

    Then in verse 20 it says, “He kept all his bones, not one of them is broken.” And everybody knows if one would put another on the cross, they put in nails and his bones
    would be broken. But in Proverbs, what does it say to make it clearer that it is Judas and not Jesus? When you read in Chapter 21 in Proverbs, verse 18, it says, “The wicked shall remain as ransom for the righteous and the transgressor for the upright.” Then why do Christians say Jesus is righteous instead of the wicked? In reality the Bible said, that the wicked be punished
    instead of the righteous.
    In Proverbs 26 verse 27 says, “If a man digs a pit, he will fall into it; if a man rolls a stone, it will roll back on him.”
    In this case, it shows how Judas was digging a pit for Jesus and he fell into it. Then this is very clear, Jesus is not God, not
    the son of God, and Jesus has never been on the cross and I’ve shown you how Jesus was no on the but the wicked instead.

    The best and accepted witness to know Jesus, was John the Baptist (his cousin).

    When John the Baptist would baptize people, he never said, “People, listen! There is my lord, Jesus, he will come and baptize me, and we have to worship him!” He never said that. Also, he never said “People listen, this is Jesus, the cross, the messiah, the
    Son of God. He will be our savior, I quit, no more baptizing, no more repentance because he will take care of that job. He will be on the cross, let’s worship him.” He never even said, “He is the
    prophet, we have to follow him.”

    Also, when John the Baptist was in prison he sent two disciples to check who Jesus was although he was already his relative. They asked Jesus, “Who are you? Are you Elias? Are you the prophet? Such a prophet has not come yet. Are you the Messiah?”Luke7(19-20). John did not recognize Jesus as a prophet. If he could not think of Jesus as a prophet, he would not have thought him as God, Son of God, or Messiah at all. You will also notice that John the Baptist never quit baptizing and even baptized Jesus. Jesus, as described in the Gospels, washed the feet of his disciples. He never requested his disciples to baptize anyone;

    neither did his disciples baptize anyone.

    And you will never find that John the Baptist requested his followers to follow Jesus and yet Christians do not consider those people “wrong” even though they did not believe and follow Jesus. If Christians will accept non-believers of Jesus then they should be accepting to Muslims—people that actually believe and follow Jesus anyhow.
    Now, you find John the Baptist himself and his people, did not follow Jesus although John represented all the prophets from before. He and his followers
    never followed Jesus and yet they were good, righteous, even then they did not follow Jesus because they were taught to follow who was coming after Jesus.
    John the Baptist himself said, “I am not eligible, I am not qualified to tie the shoes of the one who comes after me.”John1(26-27).
    “After me”
    not “with me, Jesus.” Everybody knows that Jesus was barefoot. Then, who is this prophet that comes with shoes and has not come yet? And John also said, “I baptize you with water but who comes after me is stronger than me and he will baptize you with Holy Spirit and the fire.” Jesus was not involved in the fire and Holy Spirit. Jesus was never involved with
    either because it refers to the revelation to Muhammad, peace be upon him.
    Also, followers of John the Baptist, you find them that they have converted to Islam time after time. Even my teacher, Hamid Al Laiby in 1960, he converted to Islam because he is follower of John the Baptist and many of them use the name/word Hamid, Mahmud, and Ahmad because it is close to the name of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

    According to what we studied from the Bible, John did not recognize Jesus as God, Son of God,
    nor a Prophet. (Muslims believe that John believed that Jesus was a prophet.) Because John the Baptist was representing the prophets before him (Abraham, Moses), then he would believe that Jesus was a Prophet and that Muhammad would soon follow.

    Jesus: Son of Whom?

    This is very clear that if somebody were to ask, “What should we call Jesus? The son of whom? He has a mother but no
    father.” I said, “Okay then, in this case, what should we call Adam? Son of whom if he has no father and mother?”
    Allah created Adam from dust without a mother or father and created Eve (woman) from the rib of Adam.
    Both of them were created without a mother or father and no one calls them God. The children of Adam and Eve would be children of Adam and Even, not children of Allah. Or we can accept everyone to be the children of Allah and
    then Jesus would be at no difference from any of us. Now somebody will ask, then what is the wisdom behind Jesus being born without a father? God created Jesus without father, for what reason?

    You know that the Jewish, they killed the prophets time after time (ex. Zachariah, John the Baptsist, etc.) God asked them, “Why do you do that?” They said, “We are confused.” Every time He sent a big sign,
    they would not believe Him then later He switched the prophet hood to Ishmael’s children.
    God said, “I will send for you the
    last prophet, the last messenger, from you, among you with four big signs.”
    So, He sent Jesus. How did He send Jesus? Where is that big sign? Allah elected the best woman of that time on the earth, Mary. He, God Himself, raised her to make it clear to everyone that she is the best one. How? He mother use to take care of the temple and when she delivered her, Zachariah took care of her and never left the temple. She was always busy worshipping. Everyone knows she received sustenance while she was in the temple. Then everyone knows that at 16 years of age, she did not do any wrongdoing. So, Allah made a big sign, because she was good, from this good woman, she would deliver a boy, Jesus, without father.
    But if any lady came to a group of people and
    said, “I delivered this boy, he has no father, and he is the son of God.” Nobody would accept that. Even if she said,
    “This is a miracle from God, that I delivered a boy.” Still, no one would accept that and they would say she that made adultery. But in order to make the big sign clear for Mary that she delivered a son without a husband and everybody knows that Jesus is a prophet, Allah made Jesus talk in the cradle.
    When he would talk in the cradle in defense of his mother, this would keep the people quiet. This miracle kept the people quiet and accepted Mary. When he spoke in the cradle, he mentioned two things: that he was a prophet and messenger and that there is no book on earth, throughout
    history that says Jesus spoke in the cradle except the Qur’an. To understand, the Qur’an is always talking about reality, the truth, and what is missing from every book in the past. Surat 19
    (Maryam) Verses 28-32

    There were two main Jewish sects during Jesus’ time, Pharisees and Sadducees. Jesus’ family was from Pharisees. Because the Sadducees did not believe in Jesus because he was from Pharisees, then they would never accept him. On top of Jesus being from Pharisees, because the Pharisees rabbis did not accept Jesus, that gave the Sadducees more of a reason to not believe him. The third big sign was the series of miracles regarding Jesus. Because these
    leaders were angry and jealous, Allah showed them other sign/miracles; such as healing the blind, deaf, mute, and lepers and raise the dead but he could do those miracles because he was blessed by the Authority of Allah. Then, they tried to finish with him and crucify him, but Allah did not them humiliate him but rather raised him to heaven and replaced Jesus with Judas. But, Allah will bring Jesus back, and
    the fourth sign is that he will come back to Damascus in Umayyad Mosque and will come with two angels and will follow Prophet Muahmmad (peace be upon him) to clarify all the wrong with the Christian and Jewish.
    This is how to understand why Jesus came without a father. Now, I think that it is clear to you that Jesus is not God, not son of God, was not crucified, that he represents all of the prophets and
    that John the Baptist was clear about Jesus. This is everything clear about Jesus.

    Now We will try to understand who Muhammad is, and If He is in the Bible or Not.

    In Genesis 17 verse 20 it says, “And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee, behold…”
    Before I read
    this, if somebody wants to tell us, what has Jesus said about Muhammad? Did he say anything about Muhammad?
    Of course, you read in Matthew chapter 7 verse 15 says, “Be aware of anyone who wears sheep clothing but he is a wolf inside.” And verse 20, “Thus by their fruit you will recognize them.” The rabbis asked Jesus, to make sure if he
    is the last prophet or not, “How
    will we know the difference between the false and the true prophets?” and he responded with Matthew chapter 7 verses 15-20 and “From their fruits.” Jesus did not respond, “Why do you ask this? I am the last one!” Then where is the fruit about Muhammad?

    Do not that forget in Matthew chapter 21 verse 43, it says, “Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit.”

    When “you” is used in the verse, it is referred to people of the region and
    how the kingdom will be somewhere else. Then where is the fruits of Muhammad, peace be upon him? The verse is talking about the kingdom which was given to Prophet Muhammad who is a descendant of Ishmael (son of Abraham) and the fruits that will come from this nation are the teachings of Allah, Islam, through Muhammad.

    There has been no great person, no Prophet on the earth like Muhammad, peace upon him.

    He made a pure society. For twenty-three years, he had thirty thousand disciples around him. There was no prophet, or great person, that had thirty thousand disciples. And he taught these thirty thousands disciples for twenty-three years. If I taught you
    for twenty-three years, you would become equal to my knowledge. There were
    only three acts of adultery, one theft, and three divorces recorded. The number can be counted on my fingers and it a familiar record for those who have studied the history of Islam.

    Nobody can tell me that this is support is from devil and not from Allah. Besides, Allah had them live in a pure environment, the desert, and this gives them no attraction to the Babylonian, Assyrian, and Roman to rule them. And they also were unlettered, they did not read or write. This did not give them any chance to be affected or afraid of the Babylonian, Greek, Roman, Assyrian or any civilization or any religion. They just concentrated on what was revealed to Muhammad, peace be upon him. They started reading and writing after the revelation of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. And also, Allah picked the pure people
    because they had nothing else, only religion. They only
    worshipped idols that did not impact their minds and their hearts. Once one would break the idols, it would not affect them. Therefore, they had a cleaner foundation to build on for religion. The Makkahn people
    had great characteristics (such as honor, loyalty and honesty) but had weaker habits/manners (drinking, fornication, stealing) and once Muhammad (pbuh) taught them to not participate in these actions, the people adopted not doing these actions to be part of their character. And Allah let them be pure to be good teachers and preachers to other nations. That is the fruit of Muhammad, peace be upon him.

    When we read in Genesis 17 verse 20, like I said earlier, it says, “For Ishmael, I have heard thee, behold, I have blessed him and will make him fruitful and will multiply him
    extensively and twelve princes he shall beget (this is the princes of
    Saudi Arabia) and I will make him a great nation.” Four things: fruitful, blessed, great nation, and twelve princes. This is the fruit from Muhammad, peace be upon him.
    A great nation–that is the nation of Islam. Everywhere in the world, you would also find it blessed from Allah, glory and praise belong to Him.

    In Genesis 21:21 it says, “And he dwelt in the wilderness of Paran and his mother took for him a wife from the land of Egypt.” This is Ishmael live in the wilderness of Paran. Paran means Makkah. This means
    anyone who claims he is a prophet from Paran, he will be of the children from Ishmael. Who? Ishmael.

    Then let’s see Deuteronomy about Muhammad, peace be upon, said in chapter 33 verse 2 he
    said, “And he said, The LORD came from Sinai, and rose up from Seir unto them; he shined forth from mount Paran, and he came with ten thousands of saints: from his right hand went a fiery law for them.” (some copies of the Bible use the word “myriad” for “10,000” and the word “myriad” is from the Greek origin “murioi” meaning 10,000).
    Everybody knows, Moses spoke with Allah in Sinai, and Jesus was born in Palestine. Then who is this prophet from Paran with 10,000 saints? Already we said, anyone that claims prophethood from Paran will be from children of Ishmael. And the only one who has been declared prophet
    from the children of Ishmael is Muhammad, peace be upon him. This event said 10,000 saints and when Muhammad, peace be upon him, opened Makkah, with him were 10,000 companions exactly. Not one more and none less. Everybody knows with Moses, he selected the best of his council of only
    seventy men and with Jesus only eleven men. Then who is this prophet from Paran with 10,000 saints? Only Muhammad, peace be upon him.

    When you read in Isaiah 21 verse 13 to 17 he is talking about the Battle of Badr, and do the verses say?
    Verse 13: “The burden upon Arabia. In the forest in Arabia shall ye lodge, O ye caravans of Dedanites.” Now we do not need to describe everything, but the Pope John 2 before he died, he said in this translation, “God sent Messenger to Arabia.”
    After I
    wrote my book, called Prophet Muhammad: The Last Messenger in the Bible and they change this verse in the Bible now to “God sent Messenger against Arabia.” And finally in King James, “the burden upon
    Arabia.” I asked, “Who is this prophet from Arabia?” It doesn’t matter, against Arabia, from Arabia, to
    Arabia. If they said he has not come yet, then they are still waiting for the last prophet. If we already know that it is he, they cannot deny it.

    In Isaiah 28, it says, “For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to these people.” There is no prophet brought from China, from Japan, from anywhere to talk to Israel except Muhammad, peace be upon him. Now, after I wrote my book, they changed it to “ for with stammering lips and another tongue he will talk to his nation.” Why would he talk to his nation? Jesus was already from
    their nation and they did not accept him. Then why would he come from them and speak another language to let them to follow him? It doesn’t work.

    The Only Unlettered Prophet
    Allah sent down the Quran to the only unlettered prophet to clarify what has been hidden in the Bible. Now, in Isaiah, chapter 29 verse 11 and 12, he said, “And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that in are sealed which mean deliver to one that is
    learned saying read this I pray thee, and he said I cannot for its been sealed.” To understand verse 11, it means the book, the Qur’an, came to all the prophets in a vision and they each have speak different languages, or most prophet they have one language and
    one book. It states that this book was also brought to other prophets in a vision as words of Allah in a book, but they could not read it. And the angel asked all of them “Read” and all of them said, “I cannot read it, it has been sealed.” For
    example, if I have ten guys and there are eleven envelops and on each envelope, I wrote each of their names.
    Each person took his envelope but one envelope was left because this guy was absent, not with them and when this last guy comes I give him his envelope. Then, they said the book has been sealed, and I say sealed for two reasons: first, for the last prophet and second because of Arabic language.

    But the verse 12 said, “And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, read this I pray thee, and he said, I am not learned.” There has only been one that has received this book and did not
    read or write in history. Only one prophet on the earth and that is Muhammad, peace be upon him. He is the only one to come from unlettered people to unlettered people. Then only Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
    There has been only one occasion in August, 610 AD when Prophet Muhammad in the Mount of Hira
    in Makkah, the angel Gabriel came to him and said, “Read”, and he replied “I am not learned” and the angel said “Read”, he said, “I am not learned”, he said, “Read”, “I am not learned.” And if we know the Bible is fulfilled and any word is supposed to be fulfilled then this verse is fulfilled to whom? Only Muhammad. Only one prophet been asked this question and replied in this way in 610 AD in the cave of Hira, and that is Prophet Muhammad.
    Now to ask the Christian, “Was Jesus is the last prophet?” they said ‘Yes”, “Did he read or write?” they said,
    “Yes”, “When he was the age of 12, he was teaching the rabbis”. Then, this verse is not fit for him.
    Now, to ask the Jewish, “Have you had a Prophet that didn’t read or write?”, they said “No, because you have to read or write to be a rabbi.” So, who is this prophet that
    did not read or write? They have been waiting for the Prophet who cannot read or write. Who is this? It is Muhammad, peace be upon him.

    But somebody might ask, “Why did Muhammad not need to read or write?” When I teach you, you will be affected by me. So, who was the teacher of Muhammad? Only God Himself, to let his people who are also illiterate
    only concentrate on the Quran and that you find not even one word missing from the Quran. And I told you that the priests and rabbis did not know the chapters in Genesis, but you will find millions of people
    and children memorizing the entire Quran not missing a single word. You can find in the Quran, believer or not believer, that not a letter has been changed. Understand that this is the fruit and this is the sign of the last prophet. Also understand that Muslims do not believe Muhammad is God or son of God, but only that he is a messenger of God.

    Also if you read Isaiah chapter 51 verse 4 “ Hearken unto me, my people; and give ear unto me, O my
    nation: for a law shall proceed from me, and I will make my judgment to rest for a light of the people.” Because the Jewish already have the Torah and their own law, this is showing that a new law will be coming for all of the nations.

    Now, somebody asked me how Muhammad had been named as a prophet in the Bible. Of course, I already showed you in Genesis 1:1 that “soul”
    and “spirit” had been changed and they keep changing the word. Then, also the name of Muhammad has been mentioned in the Bible a lot but has been changed. Where is it? In Haggai chapter 2 verse 7, what it says is, “And I will shake all nations and the desire of all nations
    shall come and I will fill this house with the glory said the Lord of hosts. The silver is Mine and the gold is Mine, said the Lord of Hosts. The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the LORD of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the LORD of hosts.” Who will shake the nations? Prophet Muhammad shook the nations through his letters. He sent a letter to be Muslim for them and their nations. He sent letters to Caesar, a letter to Kisra, the Persian King, and to Najashe of Abyssinia who converted. He shook the nations,the King of Bahrain,Yemen and Ethiopia and all the other Kings in
    the region fllowed Prophet Muhammad during his life. And Jesus he never shook the nations and he did not send any letter to any ruler. Also, he said the former house instead of the first. That was when Muslims were glorified twice: the first time when a man tried to destroy the Ka’bah in Makkah and the
    second is when the Muslims turned their prayer direction from Jerusalem to Makkah. According to the verse, the peace would not be in Jerusalem, not in Rome, but the peace will only be in Makkah. Also, the name Muhammad is shown here, but they change it to “choicest” or “desire” and in Hebrew it says “Mahmad”.

    The Influence of Islam on the Structure and Law of the United States
    Now I tell you something else: America, in our
    time is up for comparison to all the generations as to being a superpower. And you will find that even in this country, America, when it was built, there were four main men. George Washington, he lead the American Independence, Benjamin Franklin, was a philosopher and a thinker (and you
    will find his picture in the 100 dollar bill). And he said a good statement against Islam but a bad one against Jewish.
    The third one was Thomas Jefferson, he was lawyer and also was part of writing the Constitution and the law. When constructing the constitution and the law, they brought nine sources from all the centuries of the earth and the most he found and used was from Islam. Then
    he went to his Bible and he removed anything against the oneness of God. And he read 3 points: first there is only 1 god, no other God and no partner for him. Second, he said each person, he is responsible for his sins. Third,
    he said there is paradise and hell-fire. His followers, they call themselves the Unitarian and they still exist and there is Bible also called Jefferson Bible beside the other Bibles. The government of the United States decided to conserve these nine sources.
    Because the nine sources were people, they made statue images of them and they are now placed on the Supreme Court of the United States and one of them is the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. The engraver that made this was a Jewish man named Otto, in 1935. But because no Muslims had problems with the law to attend the Supreme Court, it wasn’t until 1997 they discovered it. Because I am also a laywer, I asked them
    to remove the statue and put two pages from the Qur’an in place of it. You can find underneath this statue it reads, “Philosopher, Peaceful, Justice, Powerful”. This is the attitude of Islam if America is always buying the best and
    bringing the best and they took the best, the law from Islam. And America already controls everywhere on the Earth. Then the influence of Islam is everywhere in
    the Earth. How can you deny Islam if you have already been involved and know Islam?

    You would accept it if the Kings accept it. The British King Rex Offa in 775 AD accepted Islam and wrote in his coins on Arabic, “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his Messenger.” The British they put these coins in the museum but they said, ”He loved Arabic” and I said, “Well if he loves the Arabic, he could say Jesus God or Son of God.”
    I show you pictures of the Jewish, their prayer is exactly like the prayer of Moses, like the
    prayer of Jesus and John the Baptist, and the rest of the prophets, which is exactly, like the Muslim prayer. Then why don’t we accept the truth? Islam
    is not for a race, not for language, not for Arabs but to be for all other nations and just for peace with God, peace with everybody.
    It is commonly known that any recognized person in the world, in any nation, the when people make them great also makes them God or close to God, everyone except Muslims. Any Muslim, even corrupt Muslims, have never mentioned Muhammad is God or similar to God. This is to understand that God preserved this religion and keeps it to be good teaching forever. Good that keeps Muhammad as just a messenger and prophet. Now, I will give you a key, I tell you people that if you accepted Muhammad and Islam then you get twice the reward and
    God will forgive your sins and you will also go to Paradise. You do not need to reject it for any reason.

    For more details on the subject of Prophet Muhammad to be the last messenger in the Bible, here is
    a list of references from the Bible.
    Old Testament
    1) Paran-Makkah Gen 21:21, Ishmael (pbuh) lived in wilderness of Paran. He was the ancestor of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
    2) Ishmael’s (pbuh) children are always to be princes in the Arab region Gen 17:20, God blessed Ishmael (pbuh) with 12 sons (princes) and God made great Muslim nation from his seed. Through the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) that reaches from the Euphrates to the Nile forever.
    3) Muhammad’s original promised land: from the Euphrates to the Nile Gen 15:18-21, there existed ten nations between these rivers, that united in 638 A.D. under Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) which to fulfill this promise in the scripture to be as one language, Arabic, one culture, and one religion, Islam.
    4) The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is a direct descendant of Prince Kedar Gen 25:13-18
    5) Shiloh (the Prophet Muhammad), the Last Messenger for all nations Gen 49:10, and Jacob spoke of Shiloh in Gen 15: 18-21. Shiloh is untranslated meaning “messenger of God”
    6) Dan-Judge or Ruler is an Arabic and Hebrew word. This Dan was like any ruler of Israeli tribes and could not have been Israeli in Gen 49: 16 and Ezekiel 21:27
    7) Muhammed (pbuh) was like Moses in recieving God’s (Allah’s) law Deut 18:18-19, All of the prophets were among Israel’s children and they were not like Moses (pbuh) (Deut 34:10), but the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was similar to Moses (pbuh). In Isaiah 51:4, it is said that there will be a new law for all the people.
    8) The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) opens Paran (Makkah) with 10,000 saints 630 A.D. Deut 33:2, God first spoke to Moses (pbuh) at Sinai. Jesus (pbuh) was born in precisely this area, called Seir, where Bethlehern was.
    9) The holy one from Paran (Makkah) Habukkuk 3:3, God (God’s prophet, Jesus (pbuh)) came from Teman (the area known as Teman is southeast of Palestine); and the Holy One (the greatest Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) from Mountain Paran (Makkah.)
    10) “Baca” from the work “cry” and present day Makkah or “weeping valley” Psalm 84: 1-7
    11) Inspiration from Arabia & the Battle of Badr 624 A.D. Isaiah 21:13-17, in the text the word “burden” describes responsibility.
    12) Muhammad (pbuh) speaks to the Children of Israel in the Arabic Language Isaiah 28:11-16, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was the only prophet from outside the Children of Israel who spoken to them.
    13) Muhammad (pbuh): the only unlettered prophet Isaiah 29:11-18, in a vision, God brought to all the literate prophets (pbut) the book-Qur’an-and asked them to read it. They answered they could not read it because it was sealed to them for two good reasons. First, it was in Arabic, and second they determined that they were not the last prophet. In verse 12, when the Holy Qur’an was revealed to Muhammad (pbuh) in actuality whith the command by the Angel Gabriel (pbuh),”Read it.” Muhammad (pbuh) replied,”I am not learned.” in 610 A.D.
    14) The law of God (Qur’an) through Muhammad (pbuh) for the Gentiles Isaiah 42:1-21
    15) God, the One and Only Savior Isaiah 43:9-10
    16) Makkah: source of light for all people Isaiah 60:1-12
    17) Muslims open Constantinople (1453 A.D.) Psalm 120
    18) Hebrew describes the last prophet for all the nations (Mahmad) Haggai 2:7-9 14) Islamic state, the kingdom of God Daniel 2:42 and Matthew 21:43
    19) The Kingdom of God (Islam) versus the Roman Empire and other realms 1453 A.D. Daniel 7:24-28 and Matthew 21: 43 and Daniel 2:44
    20) Omar (Muslims) open Palestine riding a donkey 638 A.D. Zachariah 9:9-10, Daniel 7: 1-28, Daniel 2:44, and Matthew 21:43
    21) God’s angel Gabriel, Prophet Muhammad and the fate of the Levites 627 A.D. in Malachi 3:1-14
    22) Prophet Muhammad is baptized with the Holy Spirit in Matthew 3: 7-11 and John 19:21
    23) Prophet Muhammad, the prince of this world in John 14: 16, 26, 30
    Prophet Isa (Jesus):
    1) The governor of Jerusalem washed his hands because Jesus (pbuh) is not the King that will lead a revolution against the Roman Empire. Only Prophet Muhammad finished the Romans out of the Middle East Matthew 27:24-25
    2) Verse 2, The Kingdom of Heaven was the Islamic State established by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), which expelled the Romans from Jerusalem. Verses 7-8; John describes the Israelis as Vipers. Verse 9-10; God will raise those in Makkah who worship idols (stones) but will accept Islam through Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) (the axe) that will finish the evils from each tribe (trees). Verse 11; Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) wearing shoes (sandals) that will be tied, will baptize the people with the Holy Ghost (Angel Gabriel (pbuh) revealed the Holy Qur’an) and fire (the battles that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) fought against those who tried to destroy Islam.) Matthew 3:1-12
    3) Jesus (pbuh) did not judge anyone. Those who follow Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) will gather unto him (wheat into the garner), and those who do not follow him (the chaff) will be doomed to hell St. Luke 12:14 The followers of John (pbuh) moved to Syria, Iran, and Southern Iraq. They lived close to rivers to baptize themselves. John’s followers never became Christians. They became Muslims with the coming of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh.)
    4) Psalm 110:1, God (The Lord Yahweh) is talking about the master (Lord Aloheem) who is Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), not Jesus (pbuh.)
    5) Jesus (pbuh) states that he is not the Aloheem. Jesus (pbuh) says that He is the son of David (pbuh), how could then, Jesus be the Lord of David (pbuh)? Mark 12:35-37
    6) The followers of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) carried with them the fruits of Islam to the rest of the nations in the world Matthew 21:28-46
    7) The fruit, which all Muslims surrender to the will of God enjoy, is the more wholesome lifestyle on this Earth and the promise of paradise after this life Matthew 7:15-20
    8) The Levites wanted to know if John (pbuh) was that prophet. If not, they wanted information from John (pbuh) about this prophet. John (pbuh) denied being the Messiah (pbuh), neither did he insist that they should follow Jesus (pbuh). John 1:19-27
    9) Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the Prince of the World John 14:15-31, the (Greek) word that is translated to mean comforter is “paraclete.” This word is translated from the Hebrew words “farcat and lete.” These Hebrew words are best translated to mean “the praised one.” This Hebrew word is similiar in meaning to the Greek and Arabic nouns; Hamad which means giving more praises continuously. The word has exactly the same meaning in Greek as in Arabic (Ahmad) “the most praised one.” This is similiar to the word Muhammad which means one who was praised in the past, and will be praised forever. In verse 16, Jesus (pbuh) tells the people that he will pray to thank God and show his appreciation to God for sending this comforter (prophet.) This next prophet will be the last one to all the nations and he will be with you forever. In verse 30, Jesus (pbuh) is saying that he does not have to explain much of God’s law to the people because the next prophet,”the Prince of the World” (Muhammad (pbuh)) will teach you everything.
    10) Prophet Jesus (pbuh) says,”He must leave because the comforter (raised one-Ahmad (pbuh)) will not come into you,” until Jesus (pbuh) leaves John 16:5-14, this comforter is a real person, not a Holy Spirit, a symbol, not an untoucha

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